

My take on the state of the union address


I couldn’t stand to look at him and that Bit*ch behind him and I couldn’t afford to buy a new TV after  having thrown  my shoe at him.



Well, Hello to all you Bloggers and Blodger-ett’s,

Ok so I only have 3 followers, my sister Kim, and my friend Eric (who apparently likes me so much he follows me twice).  I have another friend Dan who would like to follow, but is technologically inept (Mad Cow) and can’t seem find the “follow” button.  Eric, please help your Dad.  Oh, what the hell, even my wife doesn’t read my rantings.

I just received an email from a friend (actually my Ex- Husband-in-law).  It seems he has added a new word to the dictionary:

Favred (FAHrv’d),
Verb. To bring one’s team to the brink of victory through
brilliant maneuver, but to lose by committing a colossal unforced blunder.
Example: The Democrats favred their chances for health care reform ..."

“I don’t want to get off on a rant here”
…but speaking of Health Care Reform, or Obama-Care as we know it, tonight we all get to listen to our fearless leader, the great and all powerful Messiah, Barack Hussien Obama (ummm, ummm, ummm) speak to us on the progress of our great new social experiment.  We are on the road to becoming “The Peoples Republic of America”.  Since we are following the model abandoned (operative word being abandoned) by Great Britain, France, and Germany, and the rest of the Socialist Euro trash our national meal will be Frog Legs marinated in Lime, and served on a bed of Kraut accompanied by a nice white Risling.  We need to stop this in its tracks, nip it in the bud, etc. etc., etc. before they eat us alive.  For the right individual, Washington D.C. has become a target rich environment.  Oops, too many targets for one person, we need someone crouching behind a grassy knoll.  Ok, now I’m in dutch, Nancy Pelosi probably has one of her Toadies watching the blogs, now I am probably on some CIA list.  Don’t guess that matters since our fearless leader has emasculated the CIA.  Naw, Naw, catch me if you can, you can’t waterboard me anymore.  I for one am glad to be a TeaBagger, (ok, not that kind) and will march on DC next fall and do y best to throw all that Trailer Trash out of office.
“Of course that’s just my opinion, I could be wrong”.  I’m just sayin’


Weekend Madness

Gosh, what an awful weekend, rainy and cold.  It was one of those weekends where you just want to crawl into your Snuggy and watch movies.  That’s exactly what we did; watched 4 rented movies, did some putzing around the house and didn’t go out for two days, didn’t get dressed for 2 days either, it was glorious.  I did grill some uber good steaks on Saturday on my Weber Genesis Gold gas grill.  I just read a friends blog on grilling.  I know how he feels about gas as compared to Charcoal, but with some wood chips and water, the flavor is great.  Add to that there’s just nothing like pulling the grill out of the garage, turning on the gas, and ten minutes later throwing on the steaks.  I know I’ll take some heat on this.  Oh well, like Eric says, that’s a subject for another day.

It just tickled the living poop out of me to see Brett Favre (should be pronounced Fav-Ray) get his ancient buttocks kicked all over the Super Dome by The Saints.  Boo Hoo, Boo Hoo to those Fav-ray fans drowning themselves in tears after watching the beat down he got…WHO DAT? (what the hell does Who Dat mean anyway?).  Fav-ray was just being Fav-ray, some things never change.  He’s cheated 3 teams out of going to the Super Bowl in the same Brett Fav-ray manner, the Packers, The Jets, and now the hated and despised Vikings.  Out of the those three earth shattering events, last night’s was the only one I cheered.  Now he should just fade away while he can still walk.  Of all the playoff games in the past two weeks the Saints/Vikings game was by far the best.  Good luck to the Saints.

Now it’s Monday, God how I hate Mondays, but I look at it this way, if there wasn’t a Monday, there would always be Tuesday.


A Few Thoughts on Marriage

Having been married twice, I find the second time is the absolute best.  The first time was a disaster.

The only good to come from the first one is my two daughters. 

What I have gotten from the second one is pure delight!  I am married to the best woman in the world, Kim, A.K.A.  Kimmycakes, Babykakes, Honeypie, etc., etc, etc.

Today marks 27 years we’ve been married.  I have never been happier than I am today.  Sure there have been a couple of rough patches (totally my fault), but we are on an even keel and never been happier with each other.

Lou Gehrig once said he was the luckiest man in the world, not true.  I AM the luckiest man in the world.  I am blessed to have the best woman a man could ask for.  She spoils me rotten.  She is  Lover, Confidante, Best Friend, Soul Mate, you name it, she fits the bill.  I am also blessed to have wonderful friends, some that I have known for close to 50 years and will last a life time.  I am also blessed to be friends with their children.

Hopefully this old body will last another 27 years so I can spend them with my Kimmy, she is the one and only love of my life!

A few thoughts on Haiti

Well, here we are with yet another natural disaster, this time in The Jewel of the Caribbean, Haiti.  Haiti, if none of you is aware, shares the island of Hispaniola in the Greater Antilles with The Dominican Republic.  What a stark difference in countries, while half of the island (the Dominican half) is relatively prosperous.  Haiti, on the other hand (you have 4 fingers and a thumb) is dirt poor and boasts a literacy rate of only about 50% (if that).  The average tin shack dwelling denizens of Haiti live quite extravagantly on about $2.00 a day.   The Dominican Republic, on the other hand, has the second largest economy in the Central Americas.

Between 1995 and 1999 the USA has given roughly $900,000 in foreign aid to Haiti. Eeney Meenie Miney Mo, where the hell did all that money go?  It must have all gone to a new invisible high tech infrastructure.  Well, if it was there before, it isn’t now; it’s covered with rubble and dead buried bodies.

I’m thinking that their sanitation system is pretty well tasked by now.  Since the location of this island is in the Caribbean, all those bodies buried in the rubble have got to be getting pretty ripe by now.

Anyway, I digress.

 It seems our illustrious President (and I use the term loosely) has pledged $100,000,000 in aide to this country, with another $100,000,000 on its heels.  One has to wonder, since Barack and his left wing, socialist comrades in Washington are well on their way to bankrupting this country, where is that money coming from?  A lot of the very wealthy Middle Eastern countries have not ponyed up a single dollar, Dinar or whatever.  Only Israel is lending a helping hand with labor and desalinization equipment.   You would think that since there is a holy war going on between the Christian- Judea peoples and the Muslims, they would want to promote good will towards the Muslim religion with Haiti’s people and turn them against us.

Can’t seem to stop rambling.

There seems to be an idea afloat that the USA should rebuild Haiti.  I can’t imagine why since it was nothing to start with.  Maybe what we should do is send arms to the Dominicans and let them take over the whole island, everyone would certainly be better off except maybe the crooks running the country.

Wait a minute, which crooks are running which country?  I keep forgetting.  Oh yeah, that’s right, they’re all crooks and it doesn’t matter what country it is…mad cow you know.



What is a father?  Does one really need one?

 A father can be a sperm donor.  A father can be a step-father, or a father can be the patriarch of a family you’ve been lucky enough to have married into.  In my case, I had all three, but it was the latter of the three that was the most important to me.

The first of the three was “The Sperm Donor”.  He was a serial philanderer, and my mother divorced him when I was 4 or so.  He deserted me on my 5th birthday, gave me a package of gum and that was the last I ever saw of him.  It took me 45+ years to find him.  When I did all he asked me was “What do you want from me, I have no money”?  He told me he had no desire to ever be a father to anyone, nor did he want to be married even though he was married for 35 years to another lady.  That was the second time he deserted me…and that’s all I’m going to say about that.

Father number two, “The Step Father”.  In order to respect the feelings of my siblings, all I will say about him was that he packed a hell of a punch (I can attest to that personally many times over), and he made the best Old Fashion I ever tasted.  Funny, while driving home from his funeral, my wife Kim asked me to remember and tell her of a happy memory of him, I couldn’t.  Pretty sad state of affairs I must say.

Now we come to number three, my father-in-law.  He was more of a father to me that the previous two.  I loved him dearly; he was a great role model, father, and husband.  Sadly, he is no longer with us, and I miss him terribly.  He was a devout Catholic, was an usher in the same church for more than 35 years.  On the other hand he loved Martini’s and talking dirty.

My youngest sister (probably the smartest of us kids), told me not to be bitter.  I was bitter for a lot of years, it was all encompassing, and it almost ruined my life twice.  Fortunately after 18 months of Therapy I am able to put all that behind me, well, most of the time at least.

Does one really need a father?  Sometimes not.

First Posting

Hello Folks,
This is my first posting.  I'm not really sure what to Blog about, but I'm sure as time goes on I will get into it.  My Sister in Tennessee inspired me.  More later.