Well,Spring has sprung, the grass has riz, well, you know the rest.
Kim and I went on a spending spree this past weekend, new weed wacker, blower, hedge trimmer, all cordless. I am sick and tired of trying to get the gas ones to start. I think they should put electric starters on them.
Anyway, I also decided to purchase a new Remote Control for the big screen HD and sound system. I was replacing a Logitech Harmony 880 control. I love Logitech stuff, no one makes better meeces and keyboards. My old remote worked fine, but I wanted a new toy, sooooooo I setteled on The Harmony 1. This was before I read my friend Erics posting about the horror story he had. So, with uncertain trepidition I awaited the arrival; of mine wondering if I was going to go through the same problems Eric did. I am pleased to report that the transition from the old to the new was smooth as slik and took about 5 minutes.
This is my first week of semi-retirement. It's kind of strange leaving work at noon and having the afternoon off and also Fridays. I am already beginingt to get used to it. It only took me 2 days :). Kim has a "Honey Dew" list for me a foot long (single spaced). Better get to it.
Just trying to grow old gracefully, but it's not working very well
So many Butts and so few eyes
Boy, am I going to take some heat on this one, but what the hell.
One of the pleasures of being a man is looking at women. I should think that one of the pleasures of being a woman is being looked at by a man (or another woman) (not that there’s anything wrong with that). It doesn’t seem to work that way though.
I get it; women don’t want to be objectified as a sexual object. Men on the other hand live for it, and this is all very confusing to me. Women, ladies, girls, what have you, dress in tight jeans, short shorts, short tight skirts, tank tops, midriff blouses, no bra’s, thongs and all those other things that show off their “stuff” (or lack thereof). You wear a thong so your panty line won’t show. This implies you want to be looked at. Personally, a panty line is sexy to me; it leaves a lot to the imagination. Then again so are tattoos on ladies so take that for what that’s worth. For a serial girl watcher such as myself, that’s just fine with me.
The confusing thing is, if you look at their stuff (or lack thereof), and they get hacked off, the next thing you know you’re being sued or are sitting in an HR office somewhere waiting to be fired. If you don’t want to be looked at, don’t wear makeup and dress in a Moo Moo, trust me you won’t get looked at. On the other hand…
For a man, there is nothing finer than looking at a woman’s butt. They come in all shapes and sizes, but they are universally great to look at. Here’s the thing…
It’s a little known fact that looking at butts is a sickness much like alcoholism and drug addiction. It’s a disease that is prevalent in adult males of the species. This affliction affects all adult males whether they want to admit it or not, it’s in our jeans (oops I meant to say genes) we have to look. To that end there is a self help group like AA that has been established called BLA (Butt Lookers Anonymous). I have been attending BLA for a long time now, but it’s also a little known face that once a man stops looking at Ladies’ Butts, he gains weight. Look what’s happened to me? I have to start looking again to lose weight and since I am a tad overweight I’m gonna have to look at thousands of them. My rods and cones are all askew.
Stay tuned for the glory of Breasts and the eyes of man.
One of the pleasures of being a man is looking at women. I should think that one of the pleasures of being a woman is being looked at by a man (or another woman) (not that there’s anything wrong with that). It doesn’t seem to work that way though.
I get it; women don’t want to be objectified as a sexual object. Men on the other hand live for it, and this is all very confusing to me. Women, ladies, girls, what have you, dress in tight jeans, short shorts, short tight skirts, tank tops, midriff blouses, no bra’s, thongs and all those other things that show off their “stuff” (or lack thereof). You wear a thong so your panty line won’t show. This implies you want to be looked at. Personally, a panty line is sexy to me; it leaves a lot to the imagination. Then again so are tattoos on ladies so take that for what that’s worth. For a serial girl watcher such as myself, that’s just fine with me.
The confusing thing is, if you look at their stuff (or lack thereof), and they get hacked off, the next thing you know you’re being sued or are sitting in an HR office somewhere waiting to be fired. If you don’t want to be looked at, don’t wear makeup and dress in a Moo Moo, trust me you won’t get looked at. On the other hand…
For a man, there is nothing finer than looking at a woman’s butt. They come in all shapes and sizes, but they are universally great to look at. Here’s the thing…
It’s a little known fact that looking at butts is a sickness much like alcoholism and drug addiction. It’s a disease that is prevalent in adult males of the species. This affliction affects all adult males whether they want to admit it or not, it’s in our jeans (oops I meant to say genes) we have to look. To that end there is a self help group like AA that has been established called BLA (Butt Lookers Anonymous). I have been attending BLA for a long time now, but it’s also a little known face that once a man stops looking at Ladies’ Butts, he gains weight. Look what’s happened to me? I have to start looking again to lose weight and since I am a tad overweight I’m gonna have to look at thousands of them. My rods and cones are all askew.
Stay tuned for the glory of Breasts and the eyes of man.
Obama, Beware
History tells us that Chili elected a socialist name Salvatore Allende...Look at what happened to him? Augusto Pinochete
Screwed Blue and Tatooed
Welcome to "The Peoples Republic of The USA". Those of you who voted in this Putz and his cohorts deserve what you get. the new national anthem is now "The Internationale". The Constitution has finally been destroyed, and thanks to our congress, we are now just like the Euro Trash.
Eeny Meeny Miny Moe, Catch Obama by the Toe
Eeny Meeny Miny Moe, Catch Obama by the Toe. If he hollers…shoot him. Ok, maybe just impeach him, the alternatives are more horrible. Think about it, no Obama and we have Biden. An even more horrifying scenario is to have them both gone and be saddled wit Pelosi. She is the only woman, with the exception of my ex- wife, that I have labeled with that one word that all women and most men think is disgusting…
What the hell is going on in our country? Congress is trying to circumvent the Constitution with procedural flim-flam to turn this country into a socialist Utopia. Sound familiar? One only has to look back at what happened in 1917. We are headed down the path that Europe sunk into, socialist ruin. Exaggeration you say? Think about it, the government has taken over two of the big three auto `wants to take over our healthcare using heavy handed tactics that will circumvent our Constitution. The comment I heard last night from our new Lord and Master BHO is “I don’t concern myself with procedural problems” If the Slaughter rule is enacted, in his mind, it’s a vote. The newest thing is Obama wants to create a “National Civilian Police Force”. Sound familiar?
It’s coming folks, sky high prices, riots in the streets, armed civil insurrection. I said it before and I’ll say it again, it CAN happen here make no mistake about it!
I could go on and on, but right now I am so mad I could spit, and if I keep writing this I might say something I shouldn’t… well, ok. I’M PISSED! Sorry about that.
What the hell is going on in our country? Congress is trying to circumvent the Constitution with procedural flim-flam to turn this country into a socialist Utopia. Sound familiar? One only has to look back at what happened in 1917. We are headed down the path that Europe sunk into, socialist ruin. Exaggeration you say? Think about it, the government has taken over two of the big three auto `wants to take over our healthcare using heavy handed tactics that will circumvent our Constitution. The comment I heard last night from our new Lord and Master BHO is “I don’t concern myself with procedural problems” If the Slaughter rule is enacted, in his mind, it’s a vote. The newest thing is Obama wants to create a “National Civilian Police Force”. Sound familiar?
It’s coming folks, sky high prices, riots in the streets, armed civil insurrection. I said it before and I’ll say it again, it CAN happen here make no mistake about it!
Now what's all this crap about no movie tonight?
Sometime in the past 30 years (lucky me, I can remember that far back) our country has become a namby-pamby, touchy, feel good, politically correct hell. It seems that everyone is so worried about offending everybody else we have invented new words to replace the old ones.
“Now I don’t want to get off on a rant here, but” there are a few that I agree should not be used, the “N” word, the “S” word (for our neighbors across the border (south)), there are a few others that are related to the afore mentioned racial and nationality based epithets that were commonly uttered just a couple of generations ago.
We have slang names for many different nationalities, German, Irish, French, Arabs, Spanish, etc., etc., etc, (note my best Yul Brynner accent in “The King and I”). I don’t have to go there, you know what they are.
There is however, a double standard. It seems that people of one nationality or race can refer to each other with these “slang” words, but others can’t. Sometimes on word just says it all very completely. For me though, I feel deprived. People of color can be called, Black, they can be called African Americans, they can be called persons of color (doesn’t roll off the tongue very well) they can be called Negro, again etc., etc., etc. I get confused pick a description and stick with it. There are only a couple of choices for people of my ilk, Caucasian, whitey, cracker. Here is where I really get confused, is my state of crackerage Saltine or Oyster? I can’t even be a Graham Cracker
Germans are now German Americans; Italians are now Italian Americans, Fro.. Oops French are now called French Americans. See where I am going here? Here’s where I get confused again. People from Africa are called African Americans (at least those from south of the Sahara). Those north of the Sahara are referred to by their national origin, i.e. Egyptian, Libyan, Algerian, yada, yada, yada. In my mind, there is no such thing as an African American. This defies all rules governing the combination of nationalities. Africa is a Continent not a sovereign nation. This is all very confusing to me.
Ok, now I’ve forgotten where this is going. Oh Yeah, political correctness. We now call Dwarfs, and Midgets “Little People”, if they came from a country named Midget, could we call them Midget Americans??? Ok, maybe not. People that are Manic Depressive are called now Bi-Polar, people who are deaf are now either hard of hearing or hearing impaired. People that are midgets prefer to be called little people or vertically challenged, people that are blind are visually challenged, people that are bald are called follicle challenged…bla, bla, bla.
Now before you strange people that actually read the dribble I write think I am a racist, ignorant, bigoted S.O.B., let me say to you that I would be the last person in the world to consciously offend anyone (ok, maybe second to last)…but look around you, the world is collapsing, it’s going to hell in a hand basket, more importantly our country is collapsing and sooner or later if things don’t change will sink into chaos and anarchy. People think that can’t happen here, but it can. There is a war coming. There are a whole lot of things going on that can and will kill us all, political correctness doesn’t need to be one of them…
”of course that’s just my opinion, I could be wrong”…
“Now I don’t want to get off on a rant here, but” there are a few that I agree should not be used, the “N” word, the “S” word (for our neighbors across the border (south)), there are a few others that are related to the afore mentioned racial and nationality based epithets that were commonly uttered just a couple of generations ago.
We have slang names for many different nationalities, German, Irish, French, Arabs, Spanish, etc., etc., etc, (note my best Yul Brynner accent in “The King and I”). I don’t have to go there, you know what they are.
There is however, a double standard. It seems that people of one nationality or race can refer to each other with these “slang” words, but others can’t. Sometimes on word just says it all very completely. For me though, I feel deprived. People of color can be called, Black, they can be called African Americans, they can be called persons of color (doesn’t roll off the tongue very well) they can be called Negro, again etc., etc., etc. I get confused pick a description and stick with it. There are only a couple of choices for people of my ilk, Caucasian, whitey, cracker. Here is where I really get confused, is my state of crackerage Saltine or Oyster? I can’t even be a Graham Cracker
Germans are now German Americans; Italians are now Italian Americans, Fro.. Oops French are now called French Americans. See where I am going here? Here’s where I get confused again. People from Africa are called African Americans (at least those from south of the Sahara). Those north of the Sahara are referred to by their national origin, i.e. Egyptian, Libyan, Algerian, yada, yada, yada. In my mind, there is no such thing as an African American. This defies all rules governing the combination of nationalities. Africa is a Continent not a sovereign nation. This is all very confusing to me.
Ok, now I’ve forgotten where this is going. Oh Yeah, political correctness. We now call Dwarfs, and Midgets “Little People”, if they came from a country named Midget, could we call them Midget Americans??? Ok, maybe not. People that are Manic Depressive are called now Bi-Polar, people who are deaf are now either hard of hearing or hearing impaired. People that are midgets prefer to be called little people or vertically challenged, people that are blind are visually challenged, people that are bald are called follicle challenged…bla, bla, bla.
Now before you strange people that actually read the dribble I write think I am a racist, ignorant, bigoted S.O.B., let me say to you that I would be the last person in the world to consciously offend anyone (ok, maybe second to last)…but look around you, the world is collapsing, it’s going to hell in a hand basket, more importantly our country is collapsing and sooner or later if things don’t change will sink into chaos and anarchy. People think that can’t happen here, but it can. There is a war coming. There are a whole lot of things going on that can and will kill us all, political correctness doesn’t need to be one of them…
”of course that’s just my opinion, I could be wrong”…
...I'm Baaaaaaack
Well, here I am again. I knew, I know, you didn't even know I was gone. Well, some of you knew I was gone because I was visiting you.
The Wifester and I took a long weekend, we left Thursday, and sadly returned home on Monday night. So, you might ask “Bobaloo where did you go?” Well it just so happens that we went to see some life long friends in Gettysburg.
The weekend started with a fantastic flight on S0uthwest Airlines from Milwaukee to BWI in Baltimore. Well, as long as we were there we went to dinner at the Olive Groove (not to be confused with the Olive Garden for youse guys in Rio Lindo). Since This particular eatery is rated Numero Uno for it’s crab cakes, we just had to have them. Twenty bucks buys you two crab cakes that are each the size of a “C” Cup, I kid you not. Take a look below.
This is my friend Danny, next to my wife Kim, he’s my bestest friend in the whole wide world. We figured it out the other day, we’ve been friends for 51 years. Think about that over a half a century.
Dan and his wife live in Gettysburg, so it’s always fun to go to the battlefield and look for dead people. We didn't find any dead people, but we did find some stupid people. It seems the world is full of them, they’re all around us so look out for them…it rubs off. We took a trip to Ashburn Virginia (not to be confused with Ashburn Vagina for those of you in Rio Lindo). We visited Dan’s son and his family as we do every trip there and had a great time. Before stopping at Eric’s (not his real name) we stopped at Wegman’s supermarket. Have any of you ever been in one? it takes up 3 zip codes, it monstrous!!
We also stopped at a place named Cheesburger, Cheesburger. Holy Cow, never saw a hamburger that big except for on the Man vs..... food TV show on the travel channel. you can add about a dozen types of cheeses, and 27 different toppings. they have about 50 different flavors of shakes and malts. WOW, what a place, check it out cheeburger cheeburger.
Well, we spent the weekend playing Dominos, cards, eating and drinking. we also went to see a band named “The Hub Caps”. Talk about fantastic!!! Now I know this doesn't seem like a very exciting time, but Dan is 64, and I turn 64 this coming Saturday (the 13th). we’re old farts.
Well folks, my fingers are getting tired and they need a nap so i’ otta here. Remember “today is a day like any other day, except YOU were there”. well maybe not, I don’t know
The Wifester and I took a long weekend, we left Thursday, and sadly returned home on Monday night. So, you might ask “Bobaloo where did you go?” Well it just so happens that we went to see some life long friends in Gettysburg.
The weekend started with a fantastic flight on S0uthwest Airlines from Milwaukee to BWI in Baltimore. Well, as long as we were there we went to dinner at the Olive Groove (not to be confused with the Olive Garden for youse guys in Rio Lindo). Since This particular eatery is rated Numero Uno for it’s crab cakes, we just had to have them. Twenty bucks buys you two crab cakes that are each the size of a “C” Cup, I kid you not. Take a look below.
This is my friend Danny, next to my wife Kim, he’s my bestest friend in the whole wide world. We figured it out the other day, we’ve been friends for 51 years. Think about that over a half a century.
Dan and his wife live in Gettysburg, so it’s always fun to go to the battlefield and look for dead people. We didn't find any dead people, but we did find some stupid people. It seems the world is full of them, they’re all around us so look out for them…it rubs off. We took a trip to Ashburn Virginia (not to be confused with Ashburn Vagina for those of you in Rio Lindo). We visited Dan’s son and his family as we do every trip there and had a great time. Before stopping at Eric’s (not his real name) we stopped at Wegman’s supermarket. Have any of you ever been in one? it takes up 3 zip codes, it monstrous!!
We also stopped at a place named Cheesburger, Cheesburger. Holy Cow, never saw a hamburger that big except for on the Man vs..... food TV show on the travel channel. you can add about a dozen types of cheeses, and 27 different toppings. they have about 50 different flavors of shakes and malts. WOW, what a place, check it out cheeburger cheeburger.
Well, we spent the weekend playing Dominos, cards, eating and drinking. we also went to see a band named “The Hub Caps”. Talk about fantastic!!! Now I know this doesn't seem like a very exciting time, but Dan is 64, and I turn 64 this coming Saturday (the 13th). we’re old farts.
Well folks, my fingers are getting tired and they need a nap so i’ otta here. Remember “today is a day like any other day, except YOU were there”. well maybe not, I don’t know
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