


So, imagine my (and other informed Americans) surprise finding out the noose around the neck of our liberty and freedom has once again been tightened by (and I use the term loosely) our Liberal socialist brethren that have invaded the halls our Government.

In a move that smacks of Uncle Joe Stalin, Hugo Chavez, Idi Amin, Pol Pot, and John Stewart, Caesar Barackus Obamacus has appointed an Online Cop by the name of Jesse Lee.  Now Jesse’s position is not a governmental one, rather it’s a political one.  His job is to peruse the internet in places like Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking websites looking for (and documenting) attitudes and speech that do not fit into the patterns that our current Socialist government thinks is beneficial to their strangle hold on us.

Paranoid you say?  Well, maybe a tad, but think about it. How are populations controlled?  First the media blasts us with propaganda so they (government) controlwhat we hear i.e. what they want us to hear.  THEN, neighbors and family members spy and report on each other.  We have seen it happen so many times in the past, neighbor and family member will sell each other out, sometimes for less than a loaf of bread. THEN, all firearms are confiscated.  That, my friends, completes the conquest of the United States.
The danger of the destruction of the United States is and has always has been destruction from within.  There was never any danger of cataclysmic conflict with the former Soviet Union, China or any other super power.  That was always mutually assured destruction.  The real danger is ourselves, and we are a long way down that road.  The Unions, their mentality, and the Left they support and control are breaking this country economically.

When the Left loses an election, they contest the results, they demand recounts, and then if the recount goes against them they take it to the courts, all at the expense of us the taxpayers.  The theft and hijacking of elections has become commonplace.  The running away of our legislators to avoid their sworn duty has also become commonplace.  One only has to look at the antics of the Left in Wisconsin to see what I mean.
It’s not hard to understand the existence of Para-military groups.  It’s also not hard to imagine oneself belonging to a revolutionary group, that’s how this country was founded; it’s the only way that is being left to save us.

We have to fight to defend ourselves one way or the other.  The tyranny of the left is on the move…BEWARE!


So here I sit broken hearted, paid to.....

Well, here I am in the hospital awaiting tests. Took my coffee at 9AM, and still no test, i'm dying of thirst...what's a guy to do?