

Tis a sad day

Well, its over, the results are in.  The negative has overridden the positive.  Our great country is about to fall over the the razor blade edge we've been sitting on these past four years.  We are poised to be yet another third world country.

This is what we (Americans) have heard during this last election cycle;

  1. No more Taxes
  2. No national healthcare.
  3. control the budget.
  4. Control the deficit
  5. Cut the national debt.
Here is what we (not I) are going to get;

  1. Higher taxes than you ever thought possible.
  2. A healthcare system that is going to both cripple our economy, and deprive the people that really need care they need to live.  we apparently are willing to kill off our elderly in the name of "fair healthcare"
  3. A runaway budget.
  4. A runaway deficit.
  5. National debt that will be at the least 20 Trillion (yes with a "T") national debt owed in a large part by our enemies.
There will be less drilling for oil, we let let everyone drill though, there will be less natural gas, coal is, or soon will be, dead. One day you may have to burn a kitchen chair for heat.

I know some of you either don't understand or just don't care, you're only concerned with whats in it for you, not whats good for the country that has kept you free up to this point.

We will also get, Cap and Trade, and Card Check for all Obama's union cronies as well as an infinite numbers of unelected officials (Czars).

We are poised to tip over the 50% mark of those not paying taxes or living off  government handouts.  That will preclude ever seeing another Republican (conservative or otherwise) elected in our lifetime   We are now officially a Socialist Country.  Do not be surprised if you wind up with a THIRD Obama term, its happened before, it can again.

We are now a country that no longer rewards those who achieve, we are a country that vilifies those that achieve into giving their wealth to those that have no wish to achieve.  We now rob from the "haves" and give to the "havenots" in the name of "their fair share".  We have succeeded in destroying the great country that our founding fathers created.

I'm 67, and I will die soon,  I will not be around to see the shit storm you have created.  My children will though, and their children and grandchildren will.

look at the events of 1917, it could very well happen here.

I'm just sayin'...


Getting A Bit Nervous

Well, it's almost the end of September and the erection campaign drags on.  Oh how I wish it would end.  I have a bad feeling about this election, the two candidates seem to be neck and neck despite their obvious different visions for this grand country of ours, and that bodes no one well.

Mr. Obama wants to drive this country down the road to Socialism and Collectivism.  What?  When all the socialist experiments in Europe are going down the crapper, this nut is hell bent on us joining them.  Worse, there's actually many misguided people that believe in him.  I guess that's not too hard to understand since the 47% of the American people that don't pay taxes, live on the benefits that we tax paying people provide for them, and they still complain that its not enough.  WHAT?  First of all it boggles the mind that 47% pay no taxes...HUH???  You free loaders out there, and you know who you are, need to step up to the plate and pay "your fair share"  Damn, I hate that expression, it so "Obama-istic" and wreaks of Socialism.  You all need to see the "2016" movie.  It will scare the crap out of you,  Those of you that unwittingly elected this Rube will wake up...then again, those of you who did pull the lever for him just wont get it, or probably see it in the first place.  Obama is our countries first Black President.  there's nothing wrong with that.  There are plenty more "people of colour" that I would have voted for with much more experience and ideas that are consistent with our national way of life.  I believe that Obama was elected over others because he was Black (nothing wrong with that), well educated, well speaking, and was Black.  Sad,  but true.

On the other hand, there's Mitt Romney.  Just the fact that is opposes the current King In Chief is enough to make me vote for him.  He has a plan, but seems to be reluctant to voice it, he needs to.  He needs to address us Independents, he needs to address our needs.  Failure to do so gill give us another 4 years that this great country of ours may not be able to recover from.

I don't march in lock step with any political party, but I am a Conservative that has always paid his own way.  I have always maintained that its easy to be a Liberal when you are wealthy, or poor.  The wealthy speak in platitudes about the plight of the poor.  They think the way to ease their consciences is to throw money at them.  The poor on the other hand being used to living at the expense of others, willingly take the money, cry for more and vilify the wealthy that enable them to exist.  It pains me to say that I, Bob Sweet, actually know some of these saddens me.

It saddens me that our leaders feel the need to apologize for the exceptional nature of this great country of ours.  We are a proud people and stand head and shoulders above the rest of the world.  We bow to no one, ever.


Well, I'll be Horney Toad

Ok, first a little house keeping.
  1. I have decided to return to the Blogspot format and am going to give up my doamin at WordPress.  Why you ask?  well no matter how hard I try, I can't find a widget, or a gadget, or whatever the heck they call it that tells me who is following my blathering, call me crazy, but  to me that's important, I love my fans!
  2. I have decided to return to the Blogspot format and am going to give up my domain at WordPress.  Why you ask?  well no matter how hard I try, I can't find a widget, or a gadget, or whatever the heck they call it that tells me who is following my blathering, call me crazy, but  to me that's important, I love my fans! HUH? that was number one, oh well forgive me, it's The Mad Cow you know.
OK, now to the red meat.  Did any of you watch the Republican Convention?  I did, and there was a veritable treasure trove of great speakers, Chris Christie, Reince Prebus, Marsha Blackburn, Scott Walker, Nikki Haley, Luce’ Vela Fortuño (first lady of Puerto Rico), Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush just to name a few, oh and last but not least Clint Eastwood (OK, not last) and let us not forget Mitt Romney.

I was struck how few speakers actually mentioned Obama's name and how little criticism was addressed to him as a person rather than to the poor job he has done.  He's done a job alright, he's done a job on us, that's what he's done.  Him and his gang of hooligans have pushed this great country of ours to the brink of the black hole called socialism.  I think Marco Rubio had it right when he said "I don't think Obama's a bad person, he's just a bad president".

Last nights speach by Mitt Romney struck home with me, it sealed the deal fopr me.  I was skeptical for a long time.  Picking Paul Ryan as a running mate was the best chiocxe he could hacve made.  All the personal anecdotes about him as a family man, a person of faith,and one that will help another at the drop of a hat without thinking about himself made me realize that  the man I thought was a stiff corporate stick in the mud was a real person whom I would like to know better.

Mr. Romney does not strike me as the kind of person that will indulge in character assassination and spark class warfare as does the Obama campaign.  I know many of the Mormon Faith, and that's not who they are.

In my humble opinion, Mr. Romney is the man to save this country from the vile regime in power now.

...I'm just sayin


What makes up peoples minds for the coming erection

That's a darn good question. Is the public really informed? or…do they follow along like sheep and not think and discover for themselves?

I was in the Supermarket (a.k.a. -Pick Your Nose, Pick n Save, Metro Market) this afternoon, and I went to my favorite checkout aisle with my favorite cashier and bagger (who shall remain nameless). I asked the bagger lady (not Bagger Vance) if she saw the speeches last night from the NRC? she looked at me and turned up her nose. She said, ““they” (meaning the republicans) had no idea what and who the middle class was”. They were millionaires, all of them and came to the convention in their own private jets. and were supported by the likes of The Koch Bros., Fox News, etc. I said POPPYCOCK (darn, haven't used that word in years.)! Then I said “who supports the Democrats, hmm, lets see, George Soros, the Hollywood Elite, Most of the media outlets (who by the way should be ashamed of themselves for their unabashed blathering and and praise of the democratic party. I swear if their were a communist running (oops, there is) they would sweep him into office. Oops, I did it again, they already did.

Then, I see this afternoon that the federal court in Texas struck down their voter ID law, stating it creates an unfair hardship on the poor and minorities. WHAT??? the same thing happened in Wisconsin. Again, WHAT? Now, according the Wisconsin Election Board (appointed by a democrat Governor) you can register with an image of an utility bill on their smart phone, laptop, IPad, etc. Ok now correct me if I'm wrong, poor people and minorities can't afford to get a voter ID card (free) but they can afford the latest electronic gizmos.




The town that gave us Water-Gate, Whitewater-Gate, Monica-Gate, Travel-gate, Marion Barry, Abscam and a whole host of others (see now brings us Weiner-gate.  Seriously?
What the hell are these people thinking?  We have Tower tossed out of office for feeling up women’s butts (when have we all not done that?)  We have Mr. (or MS. Not sure which role he plays) Barney Frank running a Gay Male Prostitution ring out of his apartment.  We have a First Lady making obscene illegal profits on real estate and questionable travel expenses.   We have the Mayor of D.C. caught smoking Crack, prosecuted and jailed, then re-elected for God’s sake. We have a President having oral sex with an intern.  Ok, now this wasn’t sex.  Seriously??  Ok, let’s take a look-see at this one.  Take one mouth, one penis, insert one into the other and what do you have?  ORAL SEX…hello!  Maybe Mr. Clinton didn’t think it was sex because he didn’t return the favor???

Here is a man (I use the term loosely), just married, pregnant high profile wife, and he is sexting a porn star.  What?  Does he not remember the young girl who committed suicide after sending nude pictures to school mates?  Now we are subjected to pictures of a waxed chest, and then yesterday a picture if an engorged penis (CERTAINLY WAS SMALL, mine was bigger when I was 11) on a cell phone.  Now apparently there are more women coming out of the woodwork, and God knows what other things we are going to see.  Of course, we don’t have to look, sure that’s going to happen.  Oh, by the way, the picture is on , not much to see, he ought to change his name to Needle Dick.
This is our government???  When did we go so terribly wrong?  How did we get from Eisenhower, to Obama?  When did sleaziness and thugs take over our country?

 Look at Wisconsin.  We endured 8 years of corruption and back breaking spending at the hands of Jim Doyle.  We, the republicans sat back and endured.  Now when there is Conservative Republican in the Governors seat, trying to turn the sate around, the Liberal Democrats go bizerk, Obama send in his Union Thugs, and the riots are on.  Millions of dollars spent to clean up where these people spent their time.  They lived like Pigs.  Now it’s all happening again.  The liberals will do anything including lying, cheating and stealing to get what they want.  I ask you, is that what we really want for our Government?  I think not.
I might be wrong, but I doubt it.  I’m just sayin’….


The 2012 Erection

Well, here it is already half way through 2011 with an erection looming in the near future, and we're all dressed up and have nowhere to go.

The Republican Party is once again poised to lose another election. I say this because we have no viable candidate to put against Caesar Obamacus. Let's examine the field.

1.      Mitt Romney; Ran once and lost. He is a RINO of the first degree.  He signed into law a universal healthcare law for Massachusetts, and it’s breaking the state’s economy.  How can we believe in, and vote for a candidate that vows to repeal Obama Care, when he created Romney Care?  He looks like an old line Conservative, stiff, stuffy, and tight assed, he needs to loosen up a little. 

2.      Michele Bachmann; Don’t make me laugh, not qualified, a light weight Tea Party candidate, the only thing she can accomplish is to split the vote/

3.      Newt Gingrich; Another old line Republican Conservative Washington insider.  Shot himself in the foot the first week.  I met him once, nice fella…but.

4.      Rick Santorum; Fresh face, no gravitas don’t know much about him to comment.

5.      Tim Pawlenty; Would be a good candidate, but too unknown, no gravitas.

6.      Sara Palin; I think Sara would make a good President, and although she could get the nomination. The press has demonized her so much; I don’t think she can win.

7.      Rudy Giuliani; Would be good, but carries too much baggage.

There are some that I think could win the election, and I shall speak candidly.
1.      Herman Cain: African American (geez, I hate this PC crap).  He’s a Black, smart, well spoken businessman, knows the meaning of a dollar.  He has been out in the mainstream and not huddled up in achedemia (probably spelled rong) like someone else we know.  It’s true he has no foreign policy experience, but that doesn’t seem to matter in this day and age.

2.      Allan West; He should run, very conservative, very smart and well-spoken.

3.      Chris Christy; I love him!  I would have his child, please run!

4.      Paul Ryan; I love him!  I would have his child, please run!

Here are some “Dream Teams” I can think of at this time.  President/Vice President. Each brings something to the game.

1.      Christy/Ryan; need I say more?

2.      Ryan/Rubio; Rubio would add a huge Hispanic vote to the game.

3.      Christy/West; West brings in Florida, splits the Black vote, and adds to the Hispanic vote.

4.      Christy/Cain; Splits the Black vote, and brings in the Hispanic vote.

 Even though I like both Black Candidates, I don’t think either of them has the power to win on their own, then again Obama WAS erected…go figure.

Anyway, I hope we don’t shoot ourselves in the foot yet again.  We need someone to get us out the 3 wars we are in, and spend that money here at home.  It is not our job to police the world, if they want to kill each other, let ‘em.

That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it.



So, imagine my (and other informed Americans) surprise finding out the noose around the neck of our liberty and freedom has once again been tightened by (and I use the term loosely) our Liberal socialist brethren that have invaded the halls our Government.

In a move that smacks of Uncle Joe Stalin, Hugo Chavez, Idi Amin, Pol Pot, and John Stewart, Caesar Barackus Obamacus has appointed an Online Cop by the name of Jesse Lee.  Now Jesse’s position is not a governmental one, rather it’s a political one.  His job is to peruse the internet in places like Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking websites looking for (and documenting) attitudes and speech that do not fit into the patterns that our current Socialist government thinks is beneficial to their strangle hold on us.

Paranoid you say?  Well, maybe a tad, but think about it. How are populations controlled?  First the media blasts us with propaganda so they (government) controlwhat we hear i.e. what they want us to hear.  THEN, neighbors and family members spy and report on each other.  We have seen it happen so many times in the past, neighbor and family member will sell each other out, sometimes for less than a loaf of bread. THEN, all firearms are confiscated.  That, my friends, completes the conquest of the United States.
The danger of the destruction of the United States is and has always has been destruction from within.  There was never any danger of cataclysmic conflict with the former Soviet Union, China or any other super power.  That was always mutually assured destruction.  The real danger is ourselves, and we are a long way down that road.  The Unions, their mentality, and the Left they support and control are breaking this country economically.

When the Left loses an election, they contest the results, they demand recounts, and then if the recount goes against them they take it to the courts, all at the expense of us the taxpayers.  The theft and hijacking of elections has become commonplace.  The running away of our legislators to avoid their sworn duty has also become commonplace.  One only has to look at the antics of the Left in Wisconsin to see what I mean.
It’s not hard to understand the existence of Para-military groups.  It’s also not hard to imagine oneself belonging to a revolutionary group, that’s how this country was founded; it’s the only way that is being left to save us.

We have to fight to defend ourselves one way or the other.  The tyranny of the left is on the move…BEWARE!