


The town that gave us Water-Gate, Whitewater-Gate, Monica-Gate, Travel-gate, Marion Barry, Abscam and a whole host of others (see now brings us Weiner-gate.  Seriously?
What the hell are these people thinking?  We have Tower tossed out of office for feeling up women’s butts (when have we all not done that?)  We have Mr. (or MS. Not sure which role he plays) Barney Frank running a Gay Male Prostitution ring out of his apartment.  We have a First Lady making obscene illegal profits on real estate and questionable travel expenses.   We have the Mayor of D.C. caught smoking Crack, prosecuted and jailed, then re-elected for God’s sake. We have a President having oral sex with an intern.  Ok, now this wasn’t sex.  Seriously??  Ok, let’s take a look-see at this one.  Take one mouth, one penis, insert one into the other and what do you have?  ORAL SEX…hello!  Maybe Mr. Clinton didn’t think it was sex because he didn’t return the favor???

Here is a man (I use the term loosely), just married, pregnant high profile wife, and he is sexting a porn star.  What?  Does he not remember the young girl who committed suicide after sending nude pictures to school mates?  Now we are subjected to pictures of a waxed chest, and then yesterday a picture if an engorged penis (CERTAINLY WAS SMALL, mine was bigger when I was 11) on a cell phone.  Now apparently there are more women coming out of the woodwork, and God knows what other things we are going to see.  Of course, we don’t have to look, sure that’s going to happen.  Oh, by the way, the picture is on , not much to see, he ought to change his name to Needle Dick.
This is our government???  When did we go so terribly wrong?  How did we get from Eisenhower, to Obama?  When did sleaziness and thugs take over our country?

 Look at Wisconsin.  We endured 8 years of corruption and back breaking spending at the hands of Jim Doyle.  We, the republicans sat back and endured.  Now when there is Conservative Republican in the Governors seat, trying to turn the sate around, the Liberal Democrats go bizerk, Obama send in his Union Thugs, and the riots are on.  Millions of dollars spent to clean up where these people spent their time.  They lived like Pigs.  Now it’s all happening again.  The liberals will do anything including lying, cheating and stealing to get what they want.  I ask you, is that what we really want for our Government?  I think not.
I might be wrong, but I doubt it.  I’m just sayin’….

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