Sometime in the past 30 years (lucky me, I can remember that far back) our country has become a namby-pamby, touchy, feel good, politically correct hell. It seems that everyone is so worried about offending everybody else we have invented new words to replace the old ones.
“Now I don’t want to get off on a rant here, but” there are a few that I agree should not be used, the “N” word, the “S” word (for our neighbors across the border (south)), there are a few others that are related to the afore mentioned racial and nationality based epithets that were commonly uttered just a couple of generations ago.
We have slang names for many different nationalities, German, Irish, French, Arabs, Spanish, etc., etc., etc, (note my best Yul Brynner accent in “The King and I”). I don’t have to go there, you know what they are.
There is however, a double standard. It seems that people of one nationality or race can refer to each other with these “slang” words, but others can’t. Sometimes on word just says it all very completely. For me though, I feel deprived. People of color can be called, Black, they can be called African Americans, they can be called persons of color (doesn’t roll off the tongue very well) they can be called Negro, again etc., etc., etc. I get confused pick a description and stick with it. There are only a couple of choices for people of my ilk, Caucasian, whitey, cracker. Here is where I really get confused, is my state of crackerage Saltine or Oyster? I can’t even be a Graham Cracker
Germans are now German Americans; Italians are now Italian Americans, Fro.. Oops French are now called French Americans. See where I am going here? Here’s where I get confused again. People from Africa are called African Americans (at least those from south of the Sahara). Those north of the Sahara are referred to by their national origin, i.e. Egyptian, Libyan, Algerian, yada, yada, yada. In my mind, there is no such thing as an African American. This defies all rules governing the combination of nationalities. Africa is a Continent not a sovereign nation. This is all very confusing to me.
Ok, now I’ve forgotten where this is going. Oh Yeah, political correctness. We now call Dwarfs, and Midgets “Little People”, if they came from a country named Midget, could we call them Midget Americans??? Ok, maybe not. People that are Manic Depressive are called now Bi-Polar, people who are deaf are now either hard of hearing or hearing impaired. People that are midgets prefer to be called little people or vertically challenged, people that are blind are visually challenged, people that are bald are called follicle challenged…bla, bla, bla.
Now before you strange people that actually read the dribble I write think I am a racist, ignorant, bigoted S.O.B., let me say to you that I would be the last person in the world to consciously offend anyone (ok, maybe second to last)…but look around you, the world is collapsing, it’s going to hell in a hand basket, more importantly our country is collapsing and sooner or later if things don’t change will sink into chaos and anarchy. People think that can’t happen here, but it can. There is a war coming. There are a whole lot of things going on that can and will kill us all, political correctness doesn’t need to be one of them…
”of course that’s just my opinion, I could be wrong”…
Great post. I didn't agree with my husband when he told me that bad things are coming, riots and crashing and the like. I kept saying "that doesn't happen here." But... I believe it now. There is a house in our neighborhood (our entire neighborhood is only 5 years old) that is now selling for $200K LESS THAN WHAT IT WAS PURCHASED FOR 5 YEARS AGO. If I can't see the horror in this fact, I should just be put down. Seriously, there is no longer a way out of the real estate crisis, not for 30 years or more, since Clinton made sure anyone with a half a penny could get a loan - we're stuck in a shoddy illegal-labor-built townhouse or we short sale or claim bankruptcy. That's it. People don't have any other options any more. And wait until inflation starts - wait until we spoiled Americans get asked to pay $5 for a loaf of bread. As a Russian how well this goes over.
Times will get harder. We will see things we didn't think we'd ever see.
okay. suitably depressed now.
i want my america back. pretty soon people will be too tired and beat up to have the energy to care.
Someone I know, asked someone politely to do a task that was in her job description recently and got hauled over the coals for it. And had to apologise. That's PC gone mad.
Well said- but please do not blame my generation. It was the generation before mine that caused these issues by raising entitled children who had the world handed to them- only to throw it in the trash.
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