- • What the hell is happening to our country? I'll tell you, it's sliding down the scale to from supremacy to mediocrity, and soon will only be a notch or two above third world countries. Look what's going on, we have double digit inflation, we are spending money like drunken sailors that we don’t have. We have senior officials in our government (and I use the term loosely) that have "forgotten" to pay their taxes, refuse to enforce the Constitution, are trampling on our rights, etc., etc. I could go on forever. We have a country going to hell and our Supreme Exalted Grande Puba Obama is sitting around having coffee with the 4 douche bags on The View. Here is a man that likes to play at being president (I will capitalize "president" when we have one).
- • We have a country that spouts rhetoric, but won't stand behind it, just look at North Korea, Iran, and Mexico.
- • We have a country that is run by professional politicians like Charlie Rangel, in Congress for 40 years, Russ Feingold, Herb Kohl, just to name a few. Then we have Nancy Pelosi, I know California is F**ked up, but continually electing her??? Come on! I think California is lost in the 60's. Our country was founded on the premise that ordinary American citizens, when elected to office, serve a term or two and then go back to their farms, business, or whatever. Rangel has served 20 terms, 20 TERMS! I find it ironic that Mr. Rangel replaced another long term representative from Harlem named Adam Clayton Powell. If you remember back, Powell was disgraced and kicked out of Congress for much the same things that Rangel is involved in.
- • We have a government that will not enforce our borders because they are too anxious to get the Latino vote for another 20 years. They don't want to see the 13,000,000 or so illegals that are in this country and the hundreds of thousands that stream across our borders every year. This is costing the
- Taxpayers of this country Billions of dollars in services. If you aren't a legal citizen in this country, you got no social services, no driver’s licenses, no education, and no health care. GO BACK TO WHEREVER YOU CAME FROM, WE DON'T WANT YOU HERE! Know what happens to you if you are caught sneaking into Russia? The charge you with spying and shoot your dumb ass. Ok, I know you think I'm a raciest, well maybe I am. Every country in the world engages in racial profiling. Wake up this country is not the good guy, hasn't been for a long time. We don't practice what we preach.
- • Let’s talk about methods for extracting information from prisoners of war. Water Boarding? How tragic that we do that. You that complain about its' inhumanity have no idea as to the methods our enemies use, trust me you don’t want to know. They just cut off fingers, hands, arms, genitals and follow up with the cutting off of your head. I shudder to think what shape or how many pieces those two Sailors were when found in Afghanistan.
- • This brings me to Afghanistan. I know there are a lot of my friends that won't agree with this, but we need to get the hell out of there and let the pieces fall where they may. It's been ten years now and we are still at the point we were when we invaded the country. We never learn our lesson. Let the Military fight the war and get it over with.
I need a nap.
1 comment:
can't say that i disagree with alot of this…
but really. ramblings??
more like rantings…
not that you don't have a point, mind you. but these are NOT skip through the tall grass, rocking on the front porch kind of ramblings…
i'm just sayin…
what would happen with a coupla shots of espresso??
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