Well, here I am again, I was just fooling around with a picture and I just lost the whole first part of the post. I'm going to have to start all over again. I have had a terrible day, I had to mow the lawn this morning. It's exhausting, first you have to clean the patio, then you have to lift up all the downspouts so you don't shred them with the mower. Then I have to hop on the tractor (20 hp John Deere) and drive around the yard in this stifling heat and humidity. Damn it, it's hard steering that thing. By the time I was done, I was sweating like a Pig. I gotta tell you, my life is just to tough, I don't how I van go on. Hang on, I'm hungry, be right back.
Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock...[10 minutes later]

I took a stroll out to the garden this morning after half killing myself cutting the grass, and what to my wondering eyes should appear? No, not 8 mangy Reindeer, stuff. Here is my first harvest. Let's see, what do we have here, Sweet Banana Peppers, Jalapeno peppers and Pole Beans. Next to come in will be the Poblano and the Cayenne Peppers No Tomatoes yet, probably next week. The garden seems to have exploded, some of the tomato's have branches 1/2 an inch thick, and the pole beans are like Jack's Beanstalk. I can even find the pepper plants. Then there are the skeeters...dear Lord, what were you thinking when you invented them?
I love your writing...you always bring smile, chuckle, okay...belly laugh to my life. I like the peppers...
I thank you heartedly. I think it just comes naturally. I will try to not dissapoint.
Hi there. I jus' found your blog by way of Connie Lou's links an' I'm sure glad I'm here. I enjoy your writing style.
I'm not a gardener, myself. I'd tell you why, but I don't think I'm s'posed to write that much in comments. Instead, may I share the link with you? Here it is:
You Want Me To WHAT?!?
Now, see? I wrote too much, anyway. Oops!
~ Yaya
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