

Stocks, that's right Stocks

Now what's all this about stocks?  There are penny stocks, there are mid-cap stocks, there are stocks that will make you rich, there are stocks that will make you poor, there are stocks that will just sit and don't do a damn thing, then you sell them and you're right back where you started (minus the Brokers fee of course).

There are Big Bank stocks (evil greedy bastards), there are government (hate that word) sponsored monopolies like Fanny (not Flag) and Freddy (not pasgetti) that greedy politicians pressured to give sub-prime mortgages to people who couldn't possibly pay it back, I don't want to mention any names, but their initials are...oh I don't know...LIBERAL DEMOCRATES.  Wall Street had the rug pulled out from under their collective (oops, pardon me that was a socialist word) feet by the current regime.  You cant blame that on Bush, it started during the Clinton regime.

There are chicken stocks, there are beef stocks, there are pork stocks that are more liquid than the "banks that are too big to let fail" but are great in soups.  there are Medieval Stocks that if I could, I would put our current fearless leader in and throw heavy fruit and other stuff stuff at.  I'd say what but then you would think I was racist, and as everybody knows, I certainly am not.  It would appear that since His Highness has been designated the great saviour and New Messiah, we of the Christian Faith will have to wait until the third coming...the anti Christ is already in the Whitehouse....

What's that you say, Socks?  I  thought  you said stocks.  Oh, Never Mind...Bitch

Stay tuned for next weeks rant on Russian Jewry.


purejoy said...

i took stock of my assets and decided to buy stock in chicken stock because i noticed my own stock of chicken stock was depleted, so rather than invest in livestock, i thought stock would be better. my grandfather (and yours, too, i believe) was of hungarian stock and he often would make his goulash with beef stock although now i bet he would use chicken because of its healthier properties.
good thing this has nothing to do with celery, because that's an entirely different stalk altogether!

Bobaloo said...

good come back

epicshooter said...

Damn- here I was worried about socks.