Well, here I sit broken hearted, paid to дерьмо and only farted.
I have been absent for over a month. It was not from disinterest, I was working my BFAO supporting my family, our government (oxymoron), the Chinese, the Koreans, the Afghans, the Iraqi's, the Indians (dot, not feather) (come to think of it, feather not dot also)...WTF!
I have been working nearly full time since I was 16. Now at 64 I went into semi-retirement working 20 hrs per week and off Fridays. My company in their infinite wisdom decided they were going to force me back to full time in early June. not only that, mandatory overtime until September or later. I tendered my resignation, but I did agree to stay on in a part time situation, but I was not even given the respect of an answer from my boss and ultimately my company. they would rather lose my product knowledge and also CAD (Computer Aided Design) Administration experience. Oh well, probably for the best, I no longer have to put up with a humorless boss, and an egotistical condescending BUTT-HEAD. I wont mention any names, but he wears a kilt once a year and talks down to you like you were a 2 year old. I DID make some wonderful friends there though that I hope to keep in touch with. Where is all this angst heading??? Pffft!!! how the hell should I know, I'm only writing this.
oh yeah...I always dreamed I would retire and play golf, travel, and all the other stuff you see on the retirement advertisements on TV. What a crock of shit. At 60 you find things going wrong with you, in my case bad lungs, Diabetes, and bad feet. Soooooooo, instead of golfing, traveling, and all that other stuff, I do the dishes, vacuum the house, water my garden, flowers, and cut the grass, go grocery shopping, etc., etc., etc.!!! What happened to relaxing in your golden years? לעזאזל, I have to go back to work it's easier.
Oh well, that's my story and I'm stickin to it.
Woohoo- a post. So checking at least once a week is no longer a waste. I am not one to talk I guess.....
yeah, in my house, we both work from home, yet the hubs gets trash duty and i get laundry, grocery, cooking, cleaning, etc. and working. not sure why i get the lions share of all the home duty. we both work a ton.
but i would agree. working outside of the home is way funner than sweeping and vacuuming.
but i'm not going to complain (too much). i'm just happy we still HAVE a house!
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