Today is overcast and cool, rain is coming, yippee, no yard work (er fun). Unlike my sister, I welcome any day without air conditioning. Axiom: the north is cool, the south is warm and with it :)
Have you noticed then when your home is 70 degrees in the winter, your warm, but when it's 70 degrees in the summer you're cool.
Here are 10 things about myself:
- I have an opinion about everything, AND I WILL express it and write about it. You might not always like what I have to say. Remember, if God wanted us to eat skinless and boneless chicken, he would have invented them that way.
- I like to read, but after buying a god book and reading a few pages, I lose interest. I did however just buy Glenn Beck new book, and I have Sara Palin's book, and I pledge to read them. Somebody please buy me Kindle?
- I have Massive Terminal Gas. Yes, I break wind, go toot-toot, fart. I seems like after I turned 60, everything I eat makes me fart, not just beans mind you, EVERYTHING! Beano does not work for me no matter how many of them I take. I was looking forward to my colonoscopy (sp?). NO, I'm, not a perve, but I thought that all the juice I took the day before would clean me out and get rid of all the crap (pardon the pun) in my colon. Yup it was true, I was watching them look around up there and it was clean as a whistle. No wonder they give you good drugs, that Scope is the size of a baseball bat. Next day? same old story. lets see a show of hands, whose wife ekeps bathroom spray on their night stands? ok TMI.
- I dont have to pack lunches, my children pack my children's childrens' lunches...Thank God.
- I am a TV addict,always have been, always will be. In my younger years (20 to 32) I discovered the television was much smarter than my wife AND infinitely more interesting. I have since discovered that my second wife was infinitely more smarter and intelligent than the TV. Recently I was at a friends home and he had just purchased brand new LED 3D TV. I was so excited, I am after all a tech freak. Turns out, I was very disappointed. We were watching "Crossroads" on the Country Music channel and Def Lepard with Talor Swift were preforming. When Taylor came on, I laid down on the floor under the TV on my back hoping to "catch a glimps"...all I saw was the bottom of the TV...WTF??? Whats all the buzz about?
- I to would be lost without Google, after all how could I look into my neighbors bedroom without Google Earth?
- I have 2 cats and a dog that would have my sisters wiener dogs for lunch. My dog chases the cats and chews on them, but I cant yell at him anymore cause the cats bait the dog, it's too funny.
- Jeez, only 2 more to go, my fingers are getting tired.
- I have many friends of all ages. I have no frickkin clue how old they are since a lot of them live in my computer, and in my mind. Maybe that's a good thing?
- I'm a Conservative, and a damn good Tea Bagger...err, oops, Tea Partier.
1 comment:
your gas issues…
explains soooo much.
yeah. i don't complain about being too hot in the summer. i love air conditioning. love it!!
winter in the north? notsomuch. not gonna lie. pretty much hate being cold.
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