

Self Importance, or is it impotance?

I cracks me up how some folks think that people in this country, with all the problems it has, really gives a rats behind what celebrities think, speak, and do?  People without a life, that's who.  Here are some of the people pushing their self importance on us:
  • Bristol Palin and Levi What's his deserve each other, go away.
  • Mel Gibson and Oksana...what a sweet peaceful deserve each other, go away
  • Tom Cruise...We all love the deep intellectual movies you make.  Let's see,  what was your last good performance?  Oh yeah, you haven't had one...go away.
  • Nancy Pelosi...yikes, need I say more?  No mater what the problems American males have, they could be worse, they could be waking up to your ugly ass.
  • Jim Doyle (governor of Wisconsin)...we don't need no stinkin' choo choo train...go away.
  • Michelle Obama...shut your mouth, take your children go back to Chicago, they deserve you.
  • Barack Obama...stay on vacation, the longer you do the less you can F***K up this country...go back to whatever island or under the rock you came from.  You're about 10 steps below Jimmy Carter.
  • Barbara have one talent...singing.  Nobody cares what your political leanings are.
  • Sean Penn...just go away.  Better yet, move to Cuba or Venezuela, you seem to prefer it.
  • Lindsay Lohan...WTF?  Shut up and go to jail.  You did the crime, now do the crime.  You're no better than the rest of us are.
Well, I could go on and on but my limited memory (Mad Cow you know) is running dry, and I'm sure you get the point.  The world is going to shit.  People are killing other people in record numbers.  Countries are trying to kill other countries in record numbers.  People are starving, one million homes are going to be lost to their owners just this year alone.  The current regime is hell bent on turning North America into South America.  The Radical Muslim's are trying to bring the rest of the civilized world down to their level...the Stone Age.  The Dufus in the White house is spending us into oblivion, we'll all be speaking Chinese pretty soon.

Do I care?  Hell No!  I have enough problems of my own.

I guess I got off on a rant here, but what the hell, I'm old, retired and have nothing else to do.

OMG!!! Fox News talking abut Bristol and Levi What's His Name as a "Breaking Alert"  IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

1 comment:

purejoy said...

rant much? wow. maybe you should take up knitting or something and limit your fox news exposure to an hour.

i know your heart… and how much you care… but i'm worried about your blood pressure!

not sure how to solve all the problems of the world (legally).
