Well, how about those Democrats in Minnesota, they elected a moron to the Senate with convected felons voting. I thought Wisconsin and Illinois politics were stink-poop. we got nothin on the Gophers. Let us take a look at the stupidity of the Minnesota electorate. Hmm, lets see, they elected a over the hill washed up wrestler for Governor, they elected a washed up comedian wanna-be to the Senate, and they sold the farm to buy a over the hill washed up football player. Can you guess who I am talking about? I knew ya could.
When did this country start going down the hill? was it during the Clinton years when we pondered what the meaning of "is" is? or, was it when we decided to invade Afghanistan. I think the combination of the two. We elected a man of low moral values in Bill Clinton and then were surprised and shocked when we discovered a pudgy young lady (I use the term loosely) under his desk. I guess I cant really say too much about that because if I had to wake up next to Hillary every morning, I might be drawn to Monica also.
Elections are being won using fraudulent means. Violent Black Panthers are not being prosecuted for voter intimidation, because the the liberals and RHINO's need the black vote. the border is not being sealed because the liberals and RHINO's need the Hispanic vote. I ask you, what would have happened in any other administration if there were White Panthers, saying the things the blacks were ("we need to kill as many Crackers as we can, we need to kill they kids too"). Well I'm going to be a White Panther. if they can call me a cracker, I can call them a few things too...or worse. I'm tired of this GD double standard.
Then we have Afghanistan...what a cluster F**K. Never in the history of time have the Afghans been subjugated. The Russians failed miserably in beat the Afghans with arguably the most powerful armed forces the world has ever known and got their asses handed to them on a platter. Enter The United States...the country who in 1950 forgot how to fight a war after defeating the Axis war machine in WWII. Then AGAIN forgot how to fight in Vietnam. Now we find ourselves embroiled an epic war in Afghanistan pitting well over 100,000 of the finest trained troops in the history of mankind against maybe 10,000 (vary liberal guess) rag tag Muslim fanatics, AND WE ARE GOING TO GET OUR ASSES KICKED AGAIN! WTF, you cant shoot back at a enemy sniper of he drops his rifle? Get real! here's the deal, you are a Afgan, Iraqi, or any other suspect person and have a weapon...bang you're dead. Is that called racial profiling? I'm OK with that if it saves our lives. Why should we be concerned with collateral damage, were they? Why not just set off the big one and turn the whole Middlee east into a pane of glass.
We are giving our country away to the liberal bastards and illegal aliens that want to turn us into a kinder Soviet style state. What does this all mean? beats the hell out of me. I'm only too glad that I will be dead when the shit hits the fan.
1 comment:
look who got a new blog layout!! good for you.
dude. spell check. i understand your passion… i feel like ranting too. i may not be quite dead by the time the shit hits the fan, but my kids and future grandkids will still be around. working their tails off to stay afloat.
when did we all become so complacent?
btw when i clicked on the link on your twitter, it said the page i was looking for couldn't be found. thought you'd wanna know.
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