

Snowy days and Mondays really get me down

Well here it is Monday and the football season sadly is over. No more excuses that you don’t have time to clean out the gutters, or straighten out your workshop or laundry room, or any of a myriad of household chores….at least until next August. My team FINALLY won, but only because Manning pulled a Fav-ray and choked. It was kismet that gave the Saints a win, after all, the Saints and the Manning’s are synonymous. The Super Bowl lived up to its hype this year and as usual the commercials were great! My personal fav was the dog and the shock collar for Doritos.

Today marks a mile stone in the career of yours truly (fingers pointing at me). Today I live on
 (Happy Rd.). This morning I advised my boss that as of 3/29/10 I was going into semi-retirement and was reducing my hours from 40 to 20 per week. After toiling since I was 12, I can finally relax a little. No more bosses, no more schnooks, no more brown-nosers dirty looks. Secretly I was hoping they would fire me so I could collect Unemployment for 99 weeks, how sweet that would be. Anyway now I’m happy as a clam.

So I wake up yesterday morning and who should be on with the Sunday Talking Heads (Chris Wallace) none other than Sara Palin. She is my favorite woman in the whole world next to my late sainted mother and my wife Kimmycakes, and oh yeah my sister Kimmer. Finally someone I can listen too that will be honest. How refreshing. Ok, that’s not altogether true, Kimmy and Kimmer (not to be confused with each other) (then again, Kimmer lives in Tennessee and you know what that means, 4 million people in the state and they’re all related) also tell the truth, and my Mom who is taking a dirt nap by definition doesn’t lie (at least that’s not what she always told me). The midterm erections are looming right around the corner. Democrats in Congress beware, we know who you are and we know where you live. You’re going down. After we’re done with you, your fearless leader and self proclaimed Messiah is next.

I guess this is it for today, I know it’s not my usual biting, sarcastic satire, but get over it, I can’t be brilliant all the time, and remember

“Today was a day like any other day, but YOU were there”


purejoy said...

geeeze, should my brothers/sisters/husbands/aunts all take offense at that too? first you slam our restaurants, and now you're offending our family stick. i mean tree.

haha, great post. and congrats on the semi-retirement. i hope one day to do that.

sarah palin was in my state chatting it up with all my brothers/husbands/uncles/sisters/aunts etc. it was awesome to have her here.

Bobaloo said...

did you go see her? BTW, could be worse, you could live in Arkansas

epicshooter said...

I still cannot "like" Palin. I just do not get her as genuine. She acts genuine which is much worse than being a snake.

TheLab said...

epicshooter - I wasn't sure what to think of her until I read her book Going Rouge last week. There was real insight there - it outlined everything. Not just her life, but the campaign and her vision of America. If they removed her name and quoted the last part of her book, her vision of what America should be, everyone would nod their heads and say "Yes, of COURSE that's what it should be." She's just so stinking logical. And highly intelligent - the media lied. It's worth a read, check it out. It helped me understand her.

Sorry to hijack your comment section, Bobaloo!

Sarah's up there on my "Women I Wish I Was" list - but my biggest hero? Ann. Ann Coulter. Ain't no one smarter. Ain't no one righter.