What is it about athletes that they don't think they have to play by the same rules we do? I heard him whining about the Press should leave my wife and my children alone. No don't get me wrong, I have no use for the left wing liberal wing nuts that are the 4th estate (did you like that one?), but geez Tiger what the hell did you think they were going to do but savage your family, and after all you are the one who put them in harms way, so ma up dude and deal with it. next time keep your putter in your bag. Oh and by the way, i noticed a complete lack of women of colour in your Harem, are you a bigot? I’m just sayin’. My step father (just a little to the right of Attila The Hun) is probably rolling around in his casket laughing his boney ass off at this.
Speaking of him (not Him) I wrote in a previous rant that I could not remember on happy time after his (not His) funeral. I was wrong. I am reminded of a time in 1978 when Jerry paid all of his children's and step-children's (me) plane fares and flew us all to Boston for his and my mothers 25th anniversary. What a hoot, my sister and her boyfriend (don't want to mention any names but his initials are Carl) came in from California and my brother whom they moved away from and left no forwarding address the day after his graduation from high school and yours truly from Milwaukee. Well, we all had a great time. Carl brought in some recreational party goods for us to partake and partake we did. We went to see “Close Encounters “ and toked up on the way to the show. My youngest sister was only 13 at the time and was in a full body cast, but was with us and we all had a gas. The next morning Jerry was complaining about a certain smell he couldn't figure out in his car… we all had a good laugh over that. oh well, the fun was short lived, Jerry got prissy with my brother and he flew home early. anyway,I almost forgot the best part. My brother and I went for a walk after a fine dinner in a local supper club and a few drinks. As we were want to do, we smoked a “J” and got really high and couldn't walk anymore so we came back to the house and sat on the porch talking for awhile. Our Mom (god rest her soul) came out on the front porch and said “well, what a sight, my two boys sitting on my porch all loaded.” Boy if she only knew. Well I guess you had to be there.
anyway, I guess I’ve babbled enough have a good weekend end and remember, “Today was a day like any other, but you were there”
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