

Today is Friday, you know what that means?

Well today is Friday, and I awoke bright eyed and bushy tailed.  Well ok, this is not entirely true.  My eyes look like raisins because the bags under them have sucked all the fluid out of my eyeballs.  No kidding. If you put air into the bags under my eyes, they would be like water wings.  The only thing bushy about my tail was…well, that’s not a picture you want to have in your mind…TMI

Anyway, lots of news this morning.  One of my ardent followers is due to get his ass kicked by Mr. Weather.  You know who you are.  Stay home from work, convince your snazzy wife to do the same, lock the young lad in the closet for awhile with food and water, and then have monkey spankin sex.  That will surely put every little thing in perspective.

Moving right along…

I got a disturbing email from my wife this morning.  We have friends (I know it’s hard to comprehend that I have friends, but it’s true) that live “Up Nort” and are lovingly referred as U-pers.  We received the sad news that their Dog Eddie passed away from Cancer.  Those of you that don’t have pets won’t understand the loss, but those that do will know the profound sorrow felt at the loss of a pet.  I’m not talking about pet turtles (although they are quite affectionate), lizards, hamsters (who turn on frequently), and the like, I am talking about puppies and Kitties.  We have lost 3 dogs who now sit on a shelf in Urns in the computer room next to my brother-in-law who is also Urn-dized (long story for another time).  We also have 3 kitties buried in our Pet Semetry.  When one of them leaves us, they leave a hole in our lives. 

When we lost our Dylan (10 year old Airedale), my wife (Kim) said no dogs for awhile.  I wanted on right away, we’ve had dogs for 27 years..  Well, one Friday night about a week after Dylan’s passing, we were sitting on the couch watching TV and eating Pizza, and Kim remarked “I have no one to throw my pizza crusts to”.  The next day I spent all day scouring the internet for another dog that we could rescue.  We found our Wylie in Minnesota just west of Minneapolis.  He was 2 years old, and when we saw him I told Kim, “Geez, he looks like a Coyote, so he was aptly named Wylie Coyote.  We also have two kitties Fargus and Cheeto.

Anyway it seems like I have yet again digressed, the point I was trying to make was our friends who we will call Jerry and Gloria (not their real names of course) spent what some would think is an insane amount money when Eddie got sick to see what was wrong with him, and then had to have him put down in the end.  We have done the same, spent enormous amount of money on our dog’s health, after all to us “empty-nesters” they are like our children (sometimes lots better) and we love them to death (no pun intended) and will do anything for them.

Oh yeah, I forgot my sister ( also has two puppies..


Well, I guess that’s all for today.  “Today was a day like any other day, but YOU were there”


purejoy said...

newsflash. we have three weiner dogs.

two= ohhhh.
three = whattareya, &^%$ nuts??

nice job on the pix!!
i'm proud of ya!

Bobaloo said...

thanks SWeetie