

I can never think of a title, i also cant type worth a darn

Well, here it is Thursday and the best thing that will happen is Survivor starts again with ALL THE VILLIANS (geez, I hate the caps lock key).  I woke up this morning with this critter in my lungs

spreading little critter paste all over so I can't breath, then his twin brother invaded my sinuses and filled them with more of the same.

This is how my eyes looked from the outside, you should have seen them from the inside.

Well, you get the picture (pun intended).  My Sweetie wanted me to stay home today, but noooooooooo, I had to be the Macho Dude.  Well, here I sit at home now filled with more drugs (guess you can take that whichever way you want to) than Walgreens.  As soon as I get done with this rant, I'm gonna kick back on the couch, cover myself up with an afghan (not a dog) that my Aunt Jan made for me.  Don't think I'll be going in tomorrow either.  Well, enough of my incesescent whining (cant spell either)

As you can see from my weather gadget above, the weather here is fairly nice, but Monday thru Wednesday was a horse of a different color.  By Wednesday morning we had 16" in the driveway, not 3/32" like my sister Kim had in Tennessee.  Who the hell can measure that anyway, I couldn't bend down to measure that if my life depended on it.  Thank God this winter is on the down-low (Kim, you have God's ear, ask him to hurry it up).

This morning see's yet another nuclear state, Iran.  Thank God that's all they did was announce that they were.  I was fully expecting to wake up this morning and find a mushroom cloud where Israel used to be.  Our government, both this administration and the last, has been sitting around playing Tidily Winks with Man Hole Covers while Iran hemmed and hawed and stalled and all we did was spout rhetoric, well, guess what?  It happened.  This has tremendous implications.  WWIII is right around the corner and we cant do a damn thing about it.

Our government has been paralyzed by itself, has spent itself into debtors prison and China (doesn't matter  which China) holds the key.  Maybe I am naive, but I was brought up with the concept that this country was a reprehensive form of government and that the people we elect to represent us will vote on issues based on the opinions of the majority of their constituents.  well, we got what we asked for, we elected the crooks that have sold this country down the river, all the politicians want to do is line their pockets, they don't care what we think.  sure, there are a few (rookies), but they will succumb to the inevitable.

I read a Tom Clancy book a few years ago where a Japanese industrial magnet took a 747 loaded with fuel, and explosives and flew it to The Capital Building during a full session of Congress killing everyone.  Sometimes I wonder if that wasn't such a bad idea (only me and my invisible friend know if I am serious).  We had to start over the way it was suppose to be in the first place  Every day people were elected to serve for a term or two then go back home and let someone else in.  What do we have now?  We have professional politicians, where else in America can you have a man grow rich during Prohibition, produce 3 sons (2 assassinated).  There are 3 you say?  well here is what the great state of Mass. has done, they elected a drunk, then that Drunk went and murdered his girlfriend and he still gets reelected time, after time, after time.

So, you ask yourself, "Self"?  where the heck is he going with this?  It beats the bejesus out of me, I'm just typing this thing.  I haven't the faintest clue as to where a paragraph begins and ends, when I feel like it is time for a new one, I just hit enter and Viola, a new paragraph.

Anyway, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it and always remember, "Today was a day like another day... only you were there".

must be the NyQuil


purejoy said...

must be the nyquil.


rant on. they all deserve it. i just wish it felt more than spitting into the wind.

saw the sun for the first time in 10 days. i about stripped down to my sportsbra and shorts. but i decided to take pity on the neighbors. but it was flippin glorious!!

hope you feel better soon, bro.

TheLab said...

My favorite part (besides the one where you actually call Kennedy a murderer, as he was), "I haven't the faintest clue as to where a paragraph begins and ends, when I feel like it is time for a new one, I just hit enter and Viola, a new paragraph." Hilarious!

Anyway, did you know it is reported that our great leader has actually assigned intelligence to monitor the polar ice caps to see if they're melting? We've got nuclear Iran and idiot has us watching ice.

TheLab said...

You asked a question on my blog, but it might be easier for you to see the answer on yours! We're in the northern VA area. You are too, right? The snow has been a blast - I can say that because I didn't have to shovel.