I just read a posting by my friend Eric, describing what he called a left wing conspiracy in the Grocery Store. I too have been a victim of this vicious trend. Things that my wife and I like just seem to disappear from the shelves.
Here are just a few; corn bread crusted catfish fillets, fat free rice and tapioca puddings, Lavoris mouth wash, caramel corn with peanuts, and caramel corn itself. Cedar Crest Ice cream, red pistachios, and one of my personal favorite’s Peanut butter with real Bacon Bits mixed in (damn, that was fabulous!). the worst thing that has happened is the Pic-n-Save that I have been going to for 27 years is now completely closed for remodeling and I have to use a different on. Granted it is a bit closer, but they not call it a “Metro Mart”. The store is literally twice as big as the other one was, but offers less of a selection of goods. In addition, the layout is completely different. Now, I know what you’re thinkin’, “did I fire 5 shots or 6…” not a big deal you think? Well, after the literally thousands of times I went to the store, I could go up and down the aisles blindfolded and get what I need (except for the corn bread crusted catfish fillets, fat free rice and tapioca puddings, Lavoris mouth wash, caramel corn with peanuts, and caramel corn itself. Cedar Crest Ice cream, red pistachios, and one of my personal favorites Peanut butter with real Bacon Bits mixed in) that the left wing commie liberals have taken away from me supposedly for my own good. I ax you, would this be happening if Ronald Reagan were still president? I don’t think so.
By the way, I think I’m turning Japanese…I really think so. That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it, and remember…”today was a day like any other day, except you were there.”
hmmm. peanut butter with bacon bits. (kicking self for not thinking of it myself)
almost as good as chocolate covered bacon.
too bad i'm on a low fat, no sweets diet.
Ahh the vapors. Such a good cheesy 80's song.
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