

GOOD MORNING VIETNAM...oops, wasn't there...I wanted t be, well...NOT

Well, good afternoon all.  what's going on in your little spot on the globe?   What's bothering you Binky?

House need repairs?  Burn it down.

Neighbors house look like it belongs in rural Arkansas?  Burn it down too.

Kids giving you trouble?  Sell 'em.

I tried selling mine once, the guy brought them back.  I tried selling my first wife to the same guy, he brought her back too...cant say as I blame him, I would have brought her back too.

Here's a thought, I read on Fox News web site about a guy that got busted for a traffic violation, and when the Poe-lease opened the trunk of his car, they found a live Cat that was marinating in oil and peppers for the guys next meal.  WTF???  Being a lover of cats myself, I could have told him to add Garlic and Onions to bring out more flavor.

Well, it finally happened, after 2 months of retired bliss, my evil wife forced me to return to a life of senseless toil.  She made me go back to work, now she must be destroyed.  She gave me the most insane of reasons.  She said if I wanted to spend money I would have to go back to work.  It's not to bad though, it allows me to do the things I like to do, and it's only part-time (8-12) and damn good dough.  Life is good!

BTW, who the hell said we are in a recession? Not from my point of view.  My wife works (guess that's reason numero-uno not to destroy her).  High unemployment?  dont think so.  Where else can a man 64 years old snap his fingers and get a job?

Sorry, gotta go, Jerry Springer is on...


Unknown said...

Too funny...hope you enjoy your new job!

B.Light said...

well well well. aren't you special bobaloo?! very funny. glad you are working PT least the world is safe for a few hours each morning! xxx

purejoy said...

hahaha… guess the world is safe between 8 & 12. love it!

have fun at work. it's good to get out of the house every day… not that i would know…