


The town that gave us Water-Gate, Whitewater-Gate, Monica-Gate, Travel-gate, Marion Barry, Abscam and a whole host of others (see now brings us Weiner-gate.  Seriously?
What the hell are these people thinking?  We have Tower tossed out of office for feeling up women’s butts (when have we all not done that?)  We have Mr. (or MS. Not sure which role he plays) Barney Frank running a Gay Male Prostitution ring out of his apartment.  We have a First Lady making obscene illegal profits on real estate and questionable travel expenses.   We have the Mayor of D.C. caught smoking Crack, prosecuted and jailed, then re-elected for God’s sake. We have a President having oral sex with an intern.  Ok, now this wasn’t sex.  Seriously??  Ok, let’s take a look-see at this one.  Take one mouth, one penis, insert one into the other and what do you have?  ORAL SEX…hello!  Maybe Mr. Clinton didn’t think it was sex because he didn’t return the favor???

Here is a man (I use the term loosely), just married, pregnant high profile wife, and he is sexting a porn star.  What?  Does he not remember the young girl who committed suicide after sending nude pictures to school mates?  Now we are subjected to pictures of a waxed chest, and then yesterday a picture if an engorged penis (CERTAINLY WAS SMALL, mine was bigger when I was 11) on a cell phone.  Now apparently there are more women coming out of the woodwork, and God knows what other things we are going to see.  Of course, we don’t have to look, sure that’s going to happen.  Oh, by the way, the picture is on , not much to see, he ought to change his name to Needle Dick.
This is our government???  When did we go so terribly wrong?  How did we get from Eisenhower, to Obama?  When did sleaziness and thugs take over our country?

 Look at Wisconsin.  We endured 8 years of corruption and back breaking spending at the hands of Jim Doyle.  We, the republicans sat back and endured.  Now when there is Conservative Republican in the Governors seat, trying to turn the sate around, the Liberal Democrats go bizerk, Obama send in his Union Thugs, and the riots are on.  Millions of dollars spent to clean up where these people spent their time.  They lived like Pigs.  Now it’s all happening again.  The liberals will do anything including lying, cheating and stealing to get what they want.  I ask you, is that what we really want for our Government?  I think not.
I might be wrong, but I doubt it.  I’m just sayin’….


The 2012 Erection

Well, here it is already half way through 2011 with an erection looming in the near future, and we're all dressed up and have nowhere to go.

The Republican Party is once again poised to lose another election. I say this because we have no viable candidate to put against Caesar Obamacus. Let's examine the field.

1.      Mitt Romney; Ran once and lost. He is a RINO of the first degree.  He signed into law a universal healthcare law for Massachusetts, and it’s breaking the state’s economy.  How can we believe in, and vote for a candidate that vows to repeal Obama Care, when he created Romney Care?  He looks like an old line Conservative, stiff, stuffy, and tight assed, he needs to loosen up a little. 

2.      Michele Bachmann; Don’t make me laugh, not qualified, a light weight Tea Party candidate, the only thing she can accomplish is to split the vote/

3.      Newt Gingrich; Another old line Republican Conservative Washington insider.  Shot himself in the foot the first week.  I met him once, nice fella…but.

4.      Rick Santorum; Fresh face, no gravitas don’t know much about him to comment.

5.      Tim Pawlenty; Would be a good candidate, but too unknown, no gravitas.

6.      Sara Palin; I think Sara would make a good President, and although she could get the nomination. The press has demonized her so much; I don’t think she can win.

7.      Rudy Giuliani; Would be good, but carries too much baggage.

There are some that I think could win the election, and I shall speak candidly.
1.      Herman Cain: African American (geez, I hate this PC crap).  He’s a Black, smart, well spoken businessman, knows the meaning of a dollar.  He has been out in the mainstream and not huddled up in achedemia (probably spelled rong) like someone else we know.  It’s true he has no foreign policy experience, but that doesn’t seem to matter in this day and age.

2.      Allan West; He should run, very conservative, very smart and well-spoken.

3.      Chris Christy; I love him!  I would have his child, please run!

4.      Paul Ryan; I love him!  I would have his child, please run!

Here are some “Dream Teams” I can think of at this time.  President/Vice President. Each brings something to the game.

1.      Christy/Ryan; need I say more?

2.      Ryan/Rubio; Rubio would add a huge Hispanic vote to the game.

3.      Christy/West; West brings in Florida, splits the Black vote, and adds to the Hispanic vote.

4.      Christy/Cain; Splits the Black vote, and brings in the Hispanic vote.

 Even though I like both Black Candidates, I don’t think either of them has the power to win on their own, then again Obama WAS erected…go figure.

Anyway, I hope we don’t shoot ourselves in the foot yet again.  We need someone to get us out the 3 wars we are in, and spend that money here at home.  It is not our job to police the world, if they want to kill each other, let ‘em.

That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it.



So, imagine my (and other informed Americans) surprise finding out the noose around the neck of our liberty and freedom has once again been tightened by (and I use the term loosely) our Liberal socialist brethren that have invaded the halls our Government.

In a move that smacks of Uncle Joe Stalin, Hugo Chavez, Idi Amin, Pol Pot, and John Stewart, Caesar Barackus Obamacus has appointed an Online Cop by the name of Jesse Lee.  Now Jesse’s position is not a governmental one, rather it’s a political one.  His job is to peruse the internet in places like Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking websites looking for (and documenting) attitudes and speech that do not fit into the patterns that our current Socialist government thinks is beneficial to their strangle hold on us.

Paranoid you say?  Well, maybe a tad, but think about it. How are populations controlled?  First the media blasts us with propaganda so they (government) controlwhat we hear i.e. what they want us to hear.  THEN, neighbors and family members spy and report on each other.  We have seen it happen so many times in the past, neighbor and family member will sell each other out, sometimes for less than a loaf of bread. THEN, all firearms are confiscated.  That, my friends, completes the conquest of the United States.
The danger of the destruction of the United States is and has always has been destruction from within.  There was never any danger of cataclysmic conflict with the former Soviet Union, China or any other super power.  That was always mutually assured destruction.  The real danger is ourselves, and we are a long way down that road.  The Unions, their mentality, and the Left they support and control are breaking this country economically.

When the Left loses an election, they contest the results, they demand recounts, and then if the recount goes against them they take it to the courts, all at the expense of us the taxpayers.  The theft and hijacking of elections has become commonplace.  The running away of our legislators to avoid their sworn duty has also become commonplace.  One only has to look at the antics of the Left in Wisconsin to see what I mean.
It’s not hard to understand the existence of Para-military groups.  It’s also not hard to imagine oneself belonging to a revolutionary group, that’s how this country was founded; it’s the only way that is being left to save us.

We have to fight to defend ourselves one way or the other.  The tyranny of the left is on the move…BEWARE!


So here I sit broken hearted, paid to.....

Well, here I am in the hospital awaiting tests. Took my coffee at 9AM, and still no test, i'm dying of thirst...what's a guy to do?


Where the heck is Spring?

Well now, where is spring? I think we lost somewhere between now and last week. A week ago, it was 80, last night snow and hail. I know this is Wisconsin, but really! I'm getting antsy, I have landscaping scheduled, a garden to plant and Mother Nature is not cooperating.

I gotta laugh, I just heard in the radio that Kohler has a new "state of the art" toilet, it sports adjustable height, heated seat, a temperature controlled bidet, and it even plays soft piano music. It almost makes irritating your hemroids pleasurable. Well, ok, maybe not.

Well, here I am broken hearted, paid to.......

Here it is, a year and a half to the next erection, and already I am sick to death of hearing Obama shootin off his big mouth. You know, it might not be so bad if he actually did something rather than to blame everything on someone else, and wasn't so darn condescending!

You know what really hacks me off? It's the sleazily way the liberal Dems. Lie, cheat and steal to win a close election. We can thank our lucky stars our supreme court erection wasn't close, although not for the lack of trying, Democrat lawyers were brought into Wisconsin to steal this erection the way they stole the Senatorial race in Minnesota.

Do we have to live with this? I there anything like an honest government?

I'm just asking.....


The National Anthem

I was appalled at the performance of our National Anthem given prior to the Super Bowl this year. It is just my personal opinion this ode to our nation be sung in the fashion that it was written. It was not meant to be sung with warbley vocal calisthenics and theatrics that all pop singers seem to love to do. Everyone wants to be Mariah Carey. All you have to do is listen to the acapella performances given on American Idol to see what I mean. JUST SING THE DAMN SONG IN THE NOTES THAT WERE WRITTEN FOR IT.

I offer this to you. It was sent to me by a good friend currently existing on The Left Coast. It demonstrates that my opinion has been validated. Let me know what you think.

“So, with all the kindness I can muster, I give this one piece of advice to the next pop star who is asked to sing the national anthem at a sporting event: save the vocal gymnastics and the physical gyrations for your concerts. Just sing this song the way you were taught to sing it in kindergarten — straight up, no styling. Sing it with the constant awareness that there are soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines watching you from bases and outposts all over the world. Don’t make them cringe with your self-centered ego gratification. Sing it as if you are standing before a row of 86-year-old WWII vets wearing their Purple Hearts, Silver Stars and flag pins on their cardigans and you want them to be proud of you for honoring them and the country they love — not because you want them to think you are a superstar musician. They could see that from the costumes, the makeup and the entourages. Sing “The Star Spangled Banner” with the courtesy and humility that tells the audience that it is about America, not you.”

Thanks Jeri!


Where have you all been?

Well Folks, I guess I'm back, I took out a domain on Wordpress, and started a chapter or two in my storied life, but no one seemed to care, and I couldn't finger out how to tell who was following my Blog.  Not that there were thousands interested, but at least I had 10 trusty followers.  Soooooo my friends, like it or not I'm back.

Today, I would like to rant about a past employer.  I don't give a rip if they see it or not on-accounta- because I'm retired and working somewhere else so I don't need a reference from them nohow.

I was working at a company in North Prairie that shall remain nameless.  There's not many companies in North Prairie, so you finger it out.  The corporate culture there (for the most part) is very comfortable...except in the Engineering Department.  There are some very strange people working there and have inflated opinions of themselves. 
  • One of the Engineers is a Marquette University Grad who spends his time "smokin and jokin", laughing on the phone and doesn't do shit.  He, or his boss (who shall remain nameless) gets everybody else to do it for him.
  • Then there is the guy who quit because there was no future there for him, and then when laid off from the new job he went to came crawling back.  He talks just to hear himself talks and never stops yakking.  He spends an enormous amount of time on Fantasy leagues, baseball, football, whatever...on company time.
  • Lets move to the guy that is exactly 1 day older than me.  Oops phone ringing.  Some ding-a-ling wanting me to change my phone service.  I think the call originated in Calcutta.  After asking 3 times to repeat what he was saying, I told him to call back when he could speak recognizable English.  (am I bad or what).  Anyway I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, the guy one day older than me is one of the nicest people you wold ever want to meet, he would give you the shirt of his back.  Sadly he is being jacked around by the head of Engineering (same as me, but we'll get to that in a bit), and is having to resign.  He was told to do something not in his job description, of he would be fired and they would fight any unemployment claim.  He will will have to begin taking Social Security.  Too bad Eng Management is to dumb to see the experience they are losing.
  • On to the woman who resides by the window.  She is  a queen among queens.  I love her to pieces.  She will do anything for you, and will be greatly missed when they force her out.
  • Next we have they guy who is a "lifer".  He's been there 17 years and he and I grew to be great friends.  He always called me "Oh Great one".  He is probably one of the most knowledgeable men I have ever met, and shares his talents freely.  I cant say enough about him.
  • Lets move on to  "The Bosses Toady".  You can recognize him anywhere, is is about 6'4" tall, weighs in at about 160 pounds soaking wet, has a penchant for wearing a Kilt once a year, (and looks ridiculous) has his nose so far up his bosses ass, his nose wold break if his boss stopped walking to fast.  This is a man who talks down to everybody, treats people like children and respects no one.  He is unreasonable in his demands and erroneously thinks he is well liked in the company, the truth is no body really likes working with him.
  • Oops, I forgot about the guy that sat across from me.  He and I used to have great fun at work which really torqued off the boss.  I miss the hell out of him, we have matching John Deer's.
  • OK, here is the "Pasty Resistance".  Da Boss.  He has a Napoleon complex.  Thinks he knows everything, and tries to run the department with an iron fist.  I am proud to say I tried my best to thwart him in that regard.  He is devoid of a sense of humor and wants no one else to have one either let alone express it.  He is a total prude, and wants silence in his department (except of course from his Golden Boys).  He will dress you down in front of your peers, rather than in private.  A completely classless thing to do.  You can never please him, and he has a hair trigger, and a horrible temper and thinks he's bad...pffft.
OK, you wonder where I was going with all this.  I loved working there and worked my big fat butt off for 5 years, then I decided I would like to work part time (20 hours/wk)and semi-retire.  That was great and I loved the time off.  Then came the the heavy handed tactics of my boss.  I was being forced to go back to full time.  I didn't want to do that and made my feelings known.  I wasn't told in so many words but the implication was do it or else.   Since I began to hate coming to work in the morning, I thought it was time to resign.  Resign I did, but my boss was just too dumb to see that I was resigning because of his edicts, he told everyone I was retiring.  That was far from the truth.  I am back at work and a company I love and am working 30 hours a week.  The bad thing about this whole situation is that I cannot retain contact with all my friends  It really pisses me off, but rest assured, "If you keep your heart open, love will find a way (LOL)  there are blogs, there is Facebook, there are any number of ways around the blockage.  So if they want to play their childish games, let them.  I just got this off my chest and I don't give a rodents behind any more about it...

I'm just sayin'.

Poopies, I almost forgot about the ladies in Sales, My Harem.  I love and miss them all, every last one of them.