

The 2012 Erection

Well, here it is already half way through 2011 with an erection looming in the near future, and we're all dressed up and have nowhere to go.

The Republican Party is once again poised to lose another election. I say this because we have no viable candidate to put against Caesar Obamacus. Let's examine the field.

1.      Mitt Romney; Ran once and lost. He is a RINO of the first degree.  He signed into law a universal healthcare law for Massachusetts, and it’s breaking the state’s economy.  How can we believe in, and vote for a candidate that vows to repeal Obama Care, when he created Romney Care?  He looks like an old line Conservative, stiff, stuffy, and tight assed, he needs to loosen up a little. 

2.      Michele Bachmann; Don’t make me laugh, not qualified, a light weight Tea Party candidate, the only thing she can accomplish is to split the vote/

3.      Newt Gingrich; Another old line Republican Conservative Washington insider.  Shot himself in the foot the first week.  I met him once, nice fella…but.

4.      Rick Santorum; Fresh face, no gravitas don’t know much about him to comment.

5.      Tim Pawlenty; Would be a good candidate, but too unknown, no gravitas.

6.      Sara Palin; I think Sara would make a good President, and although she could get the nomination. The press has demonized her so much; I don’t think she can win.

7.      Rudy Giuliani; Would be good, but carries too much baggage.

There are some that I think could win the election, and I shall speak candidly.
1.      Herman Cain: African American (geez, I hate this PC crap).  He’s a Black, smart, well spoken businessman, knows the meaning of a dollar.  He has been out in the mainstream and not huddled up in achedemia (probably spelled rong) like someone else we know.  It’s true he has no foreign policy experience, but that doesn’t seem to matter in this day and age.

2.      Allan West; He should run, very conservative, very smart and well-spoken.

3.      Chris Christy; I love him!  I would have his child, please run!

4.      Paul Ryan; I love him!  I would have his child, please run!

Here are some “Dream Teams” I can think of at this time.  President/Vice President. Each brings something to the game.

1.      Christy/Ryan; need I say more?

2.      Ryan/Rubio; Rubio would add a huge Hispanic vote to the game.

3.      Christy/West; West brings in Florida, splits the Black vote, and adds to the Hispanic vote.

4.      Christy/Cain; Splits the Black vote, and brings in the Hispanic vote.

 Even though I like both Black Candidates, I don’t think either of them has the power to win on their own, then again Obama WAS erected…go figure.

Anyway, I hope we don’t shoot ourselves in the foot yet again.  We need someone to get us out the 3 wars we are in, and spend that money here at home.  It is not our job to police the world, if they want to kill each other, let ‘em.

That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it.

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