

Consertive Bloggers, where are you?

Where are all the Conservative Bloggers? Are you hiding? I am proud to say I am a Conservative Tea Party member and proud of it., Are you? It's time to take back our fine country from the looters who are slowly moving in and destroying it. If you don't believe this is true, read Ayn Rand's timeless treatise on America, "Atlas Shrugged" Ms. Rand has published a number of other works, The "Fountainhead" (loosely based on Frank Lloyd Wright), "We The Living" (loosely based on her childhood in Soviet Russia), "Anthem" and other Essays.

I don't know if I have mentioned it before, but I have read this masterpiece 8 times and thinking about a 9th. It will scare the hell out of you. When I look around and I see what is happening in this country I just want to scream! I can't just lament what was, that would be just stupid and it would let things move along as they are now. The Status Quo is not acceptable to me. I have to move in the direction of what should be. It certainly isn't the Politically Correct Nanny should you.

We need to take back our government and restore our position in the world that we have worked so hard to achieve, Come on Join me!


I think I have too much time on my hands

Well, here we are again. What shall I rant about this time? Oh, I know, we'll do free form.

  • • What the hell is happening to our country? I'll tell you, it's sliding down the scale to from supremacy to mediocrity, and soon will only be a notch or two above third world countries. Look what's going on, we have double digit inflation, we are spending money like drunken sailors that we don’t have. We have senior officials in our government (and I use the term loosely) that have "forgotten" to pay their taxes, refuse to enforce the Constitution, are trampling on our rights, etc., etc. I could go on forever. We have a country going to hell and our Supreme Exalted Grande Puba Obama is sitting around having coffee with the 4 douche bags on The View. Here is a man that likes to play at being president (I will capitalize "president" when we have one).

  • • We have a country that spouts rhetoric, but won't stand behind it, just look at North Korea, Iran, and Mexico.

  • • We have a country that is run by professional politicians like Charlie Rangel, in Congress for 40 years, Russ Feingold, Herb Kohl, just to name a few. Then we have Nancy Pelosi, I know California is F**ked up, but continually electing her??? Come on! I think California is lost in the 60's. Our country was founded on the premise that ordinary American citizens, when elected to office, serve a term or two and then go back to their farms, business, or whatever. Rangel has served 20 terms, 20 TERMS! I find it ironic that Mr. Rangel replaced another long term representative from Harlem named Adam Clayton Powell. If you remember back, Powell was disgraced and kicked out of Congress for much the same things that Rangel is involved in.

  • • We have a government that will not enforce our borders because they are too anxious to get the Latino vote for another 20 years. They don't want to see the 13,000,000 or so illegals that are in this country and the hundreds of thousands that stream across our borders every year. This is costing the

  • Taxpayers of this country Billions of dollars in services. If you aren't a legal citizen in this country, you got no social services, no driver’s licenses, no education, and no health care. GO BACK TO WHEREVER YOU CAME FROM, WE DON'T WANT YOU HERE! Know what happens to you if you are caught sneaking into Russia? The charge you with spying and shoot your dumb ass. Ok, I know you think I'm a raciest, well maybe I am. Every country in the world engages in racial profiling. Wake up this country is not the good guy, hasn't been for a long time. We don't practice what we preach.

  • • Let’s talk about methods for extracting information from prisoners of war. Water Boarding? How tragic that we do that. You that complain about its' inhumanity have no idea as to the methods our enemies use, trust me you don’t want to know. They just cut off fingers, hands, arms, genitals and follow up with the cutting off of your head. I shudder to think what shape or how many pieces those two Sailors were when found in Afghanistan.

  • • This brings me to Afghanistan. I know there are a lot of my friends that won't agree with this, but we need to get the hell out of there and let the pieces fall where they may. It's been ten years now and we are still at the point we were when we invaded the country. We never learn our lesson. Let the Military fight the war and get it over with.

I need a nap.


Peek-a-boo...lindsay whoo?

OK, what the hell!  News for today;
  • We are going to have a communist appointed to the Supreme Court.
  • A department of Agriculture high ranking person of color fired for racist activities
  • The end of my retirement imminent
  • etc.
  • etc.
  • etc.
The whole world is going to shit, and what do we hear about on the cable news channels?
  • Lindsay Lohan news conference at the court during and after her surrender for jail time.
  • Televised video of a gray SUV transporting missunderstood Lindsay to the "Super Max" institution to which she was sentenced 90 days/
  • yet another televised news conference when Lindsay arrived and was booked.
One can only hope for a televised video of her strip search.

Who F**king Cares?


Screwed yet again, this time by Welington Windows

About five years ago, my wife and I replaced each and every window in our home. The number totaled 23 windows including 2 large picture windows to the tune of $21,000 and change. For us (as it would be for anyone) was a large investment, but worth it because it would increase the value of our home. We were very pleased with the quality of the product and installation. I can’t say enough about the installers, they were clean, polite and efficient. I recommended Wellington to all my friends and family. Having said all that, I find I cannot, and will not, recommended your windows any more unless your customer service policies are changed.

Some of my windows will not stay up when I open them, they slide back down and need to be tightened up. There is a mechanical device on the sides of the windows that needs to be tightened periodically, and there is also a tool to tighten them with. Newer Wellington windows have a different mechanism which tells me that my windows have a design defect.

This morning I called the local Wellington representative to have someone come out and tighten up the windows, and was told there would be a $65 trip charge to come out and tighten them up. I asked the man I spoke to if I could purchase the tool required to fix them. He told me that if I did it myself it would void my warranty. This is lousy customer service, $21,000 and change, and you are going to nickel and dime me every year or two to fix your design defect? I wonder if I would receive the same service had I chosen Pella, Marvin, or any other quality replacement window company? Maybe I should have gone to them for my windows. I went to you folks because I thought you were a cut above the rest, maybe I was wrong.


Self Importance, or is it impotance?

I cracks me up how some folks think that people in this country, with all the problems it has, really gives a rats behind what celebrities think, speak, and do?  People without a life, that's who.  Here are some of the people pushing their self importance on us:
  • Bristol Palin and Levi What's his deserve each other, go away.
  • Mel Gibson and Oksana...what a sweet peaceful deserve each other, go away
  • Tom Cruise...We all love the deep intellectual movies you make.  Let's see,  what was your last good performance?  Oh yeah, you haven't had one...go away.
  • Nancy Pelosi...yikes, need I say more?  No mater what the problems American males have, they could be worse, they could be waking up to your ugly ass.
  • Jim Doyle (governor of Wisconsin)...we don't need no stinkin' choo choo train...go away.
  • Michelle Obama...shut your mouth, take your children go back to Chicago, they deserve you.
  • Barack Obama...stay on vacation, the longer you do the less you can F***K up this country...go back to whatever island or under the rock you came from.  You're about 10 steps below Jimmy Carter.
  • Barbara have one talent...singing.  Nobody cares what your political leanings are.
  • Sean Penn...just go away.  Better yet, move to Cuba or Venezuela, you seem to prefer it.
  • Lindsay Lohan...WTF?  Shut up and go to jail.  You did the crime, now do the crime.  You're no better than the rest of us are.
Well, I could go on and on but my limited memory (Mad Cow you know) is running dry, and I'm sure you get the point.  The world is going to shit.  People are killing other people in record numbers.  Countries are trying to kill other countries in record numbers.  People are starving, one million homes are going to be lost to their owners just this year alone.  The current regime is hell bent on turning North America into South America.  The Radical Muslim's are trying to bring the rest of the civilized world down to their level...the Stone Age.  The Dufus in the White house is spending us into oblivion, we'll all be speaking Chinese pretty soon.

Do I care?  Hell No!  I have enough problems of my own.

I guess I got off on a rant here, but what the hell, I'm old, retired and have nothing else to do.

OMG!!! Fox News talking abut Bristol and Levi What's His Name as a "Breaking Alert"  IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!


We're so sorry, Uncle Albert....

Well, how about those Democrats in Minnesota, they elected a moron to the Senate with convected felons voting.  I thought Wisconsin and Illinois politics were stink-poop.  we got nothin on the Gophers.  Let us take a look at the stupidity of the Minnesota electorate.  Hmm, lets see, they elected a over the hill washed up wrestler for Governor, they elected a washed up comedian wanna-be to the Senate, and they sold the farm to buy a over the hill washed up football player.  Can you guess who I am talking about?  I knew ya could.

When did this country start going down the hill?  was it during the Clinton years when we pondered what the meaning of  "is" is?  or, was it when we decided to invade Afghanistan.  I think the combination of the two.  We elected a man of low moral values in Bill Clinton and then were surprised and shocked when we discovered a pudgy young lady (I use the term loosely) under his desk.  I guess I cant really say too much about that because if I had to wake up next to Hillary every morning, I might be drawn to Monica also. 

Elections are being won using fraudulent means.  Violent Black Panthers are not being prosecuted for voter intimidation, because the the liberals and RHINO's need the black vote.  the border is not being sealed because the liberals and RHINO's need the Hispanic vote.  I ask you, what would have happened in any other administration if there were White Panthers, saying the things the blacks were ("we need to kill as many Crackers as we can, we need to kill they kids too").  Well I'm going to be a White Panther.  if they can call me a cracker, I can call them a few things too...or worse.  I'm tired of this GD double standard.
Then we have Afghanistan...what a cluster F**K.  Never in the history of time have the Afghans been subjugated.  The Russians failed miserably in beat the Afghans with arguably the most powerful armed forces the world has ever known and got their asses handed to them on a platter.  Enter The United States...the country who in 1950 forgot how to fight a war after defeating the Axis war machine in WWII.  Then AGAIN forgot how to fight in Vietnam.  Now we find ourselves embroiled an epic war in Afghanistan pitting well over 100,000 of the finest trained troops in the history of mankind against maybe 10,000 (vary liberal guess) rag tag Muslim fanatics, AND WE ARE GOING TO GET OUR ASSES KICKED AGAIN!  WTF, you cant shoot back at a enemy sniper of he drops his rifle?  Get real!  here's the deal, you are a Afgan, Iraqi, or any other suspect person and have a weapon...bang you're dead.  Is that called racial profiling?  I'm OK with that if it saves our lives.  Why should we be concerned with collateral damage, were they?  Why not just set off the big one and turn the whole Middlee east into a pane of glass.

We are giving our country away to the liberal bastards and illegal aliens that want to turn us into a kinder Soviet style state.  What does this all mean?  beats the hell out of me.  I'm only too glad that I will be dead when the shit hits the fan.