

Harmony and me are pretty good company

Well,Spring has sprung, the grass has riz, well, you know the rest. 

Kim and I went on a spending spree this past weekend, new weed wacker, blower, hedge trimmer, all cordless.  I am sick and tired of trying to get the gas ones to start.  I think they should put electric starters on them. 

Anyway, I also decided to purchase a new Remote Control for the big screen HD and sound system.  I was replacing a Logitech Harmony 880  control.  I love Logitech stuff, no one makes better meeces and keyboards.  My old remote worked fine, but I wanted a new toy, sooooooo  I setteled on The Harmony 1.  This was before I read my friend Erics posting about the horror story he had.  So, with uncertain trepidition I awaited the arrival; of mine wondering if I was going to go through the same problems Eric did.  I am pleased to report that the transition from the old to the new was smooth as slik and took about 5 minutes.

This is my first week of semi-retirement.  It's kind of strange leaving work at noon and having the afternoon off and also Fridays.  I am already beginingt to get used to it.  It only took me 2 days :).  Kim has a "Honey Dew" list for me a foot long (single spaced).  Better get to it.


purejoy said...

happy semi-retirement. seems i've gone in the opposite direction. but we sold two franchises last week, so not bad, i guess!

epicshooter said...

I guess that is the difference between an 880 remote and an 890 remote. The idiot on the phone kept telling me it was because the 890 supported the Z-wave devices and has different firmware. I kept telling him that it is the same software interface for both remotes and it should not be too hard to run a simple conversion script- to this he drooled.

purejoy said...

dude. no more lurking. gotta leave me some love. even if it's just to gag. leave me comments and you never know. all of my three readers might come visit you! that's how it works… i've met more readers through comments i've left on other blogs, and i've met seriously neat people through commenters on other blogs.
like leslie. don't even know how we tripped upon each other, but she's a follower of yours…
so don't be afraid to invest a little verbiage as you're our blog-stalking. especially now that you're all retired and all. well, almost.