


Well, Hello to all you Bloggers and Blodger-ett’s,

Ok so I only have 3 followers, my sister Kim, and my friend Eric (who apparently likes me so much he follows me twice).  I have another friend Dan who would like to follow, but is technologically inept (Mad Cow) and can’t seem find the “follow” button.  Eric, please help your Dad.  Oh, what the hell, even my wife doesn’t read my rantings.

I just received an email from a friend (actually my Ex- Husband-in-law).  It seems he has added a new word to the dictionary:

Favred (FAHrv’d),
Verb. To bring one’s team to the brink of victory through
brilliant maneuver, but to lose by committing a colossal unforced blunder.
Example: The Democrats favred their chances for health care reform ..."

“I don’t want to get off on a rant here”
…but speaking of Health Care Reform, or Obama-Care as we know it, tonight we all get to listen to our fearless leader, the great and all powerful Messiah, Barack Hussien Obama (ummm, ummm, ummm) speak to us on the progress of our great new social experiment.  We are on the road to becoming “The Peoples Republic of America”.  Since we are following the model abandoned (operative word being abandoned) by Great Britain, France, and Germany, and the rest of the Socialist Euro trash our national meal will be Frog Legs marinated in Lime, and served on a bed of Kraut accompanied by a nice white Risling.  We need to stop this in its tracks, nip it in the bud, etc. etc., etc. before they eat us alive.  For the right individual, Washington D.C. has become a target rich environment.  Oops, too many targets for one person, we need someone crouching behind a grassy knoll.  Ok, now I’m in dutch, Nancy Pelosi probably has one of her Toadies watching the blogs, now I am probably on some CIA list.  Don’t guess that matters since our fearless leader has emasculated the CIA.  Naw, Naw, catch me if you can, you can’t waterboard me anymore.  I for one am glad to be a TeaBagger, (ok, not that kind) and will march on DC next fall and do y best to throw all that Trailer Trash out of office.
“Of course that’s just my opinion, I could be wrong”.  I’m just sayin’


purejoy said...

yay for being your only commenter. aka i don't really have a life, now, do i.

agreed, agreed. i hope we have a country left to save for the elections of 2010.

epicshooter said...

I comment too damnit. As for my dad- no- he is beyond help. If he could find it he would not read it- he is too busy forwarding your emails and various other SPAM.

TheLab said...

"Naw, Naw, catch me if you can, you can’t waterboard me anymore."


And following "PureJoy"'s comment above, Yay for me apparently stalking PureJoy AND her family!

Ahhhhh, bloggers...