

I don’t never Get Nuttin all year

I was inspired to write today by my friend Eric.  Here is the sum total of what I get from my wife during he year. 

  • Anniversary…nuttin
  • Valentines Day…Nadda
  • Birthday…zero
  • Christmas…zip (X-cept last year (09)

Now to be fair, I do get cards, and again to be fair, I usually give her the same.  so before you feel sorry for us, this is why.  Usually we just buy what we want, when we want (within reason of course) so there are usually never any wants for those afore mentioned occasions.

there are many things I would like, like a Palm Pre, a new Laptop, a 26” monitor instead of the 19” one I am squinting into now, a 36” flat screen LED TV for the Boudoir, a 60” flat screen for my Man Cave, a new Honda Accord, the list goes on, and on.  Obviously my wish list is above the $37.65 I currently have in my slush fund, soooooooooo.

Well, today is Tax Filing day for me.  I have been putting this off because I usually owe the government my first born, sometimes I wish I had given her instead of hard earned cash. it would have been cheaper.   I’m only kidding, I love both my daughters to death and wouldn't trade them for anything, well, maybe for the 60” flat screen or the Honda, but that that’s it.

I keep getting distracted by my thoughts.  This year Uncle Sam ( or should I say The Lord High Savior and Messiah Obama has been very good to me.  I got money back, but guess who's pocket it’s coming out of {insert huge roar of laughter here}???  Yours! ROTFLMFAO!!!  The down side is though what I got back is in four figures (to the left of the decimal for those of you in Rio Lindo) is only good for a couple of loaves of Wonder Bread  (Weazunder, Breazed) (can’t memember who said that)…sigh…

oh well, it’s probably all George Bush’s fault anyway, and always remember, today was a day like any other day, except you were there.

P.S. Oh hell can’t find a post-it note..the nice thing about spell checkers is, you can add any words you want and they’ll always be spelled right.  Oops, got to go, low blood sugar.

1 comment:

purejoy said...

i don't enjoy the obligatory gifts, either. but i do love a surprise! it's great to buy stuff you need when you need (or want) them, but nothing beats a gesture that says i was thinking about you and want to make you feel special.
it's the little things that keep the spark in a marriage.

as much as i like to get, i don't always enjoy giving as much… but when i do make the effort, it's awesome.

so glad i could finance your lifestyle. taxes suck. and payroll taxes suck more. and RETROACTIVE payroll taxes suck the most. hellooooo when the unemployment coffers are empty, stop coming to me and asking for more!! and for the love of sam, stop extending unemployment benefits!! do you really think that joe unemployed is going to go out and get a job (that may be beneath him, but it's a job) if you keep saying sit on your ass i'll send you a check??

sorry. rant over.