

TCM's 31 Days of Oscar Moodboard

1 comment:

purejoy said...

just for the record. i'm still following you. i check you every day.

thanks for your sweet (haha get it?) comment.

we can do this together. we all have crap in our closets. sometimes it's just better to take it to the incinerator instead of wearing it around.

i hope if you see me wearing something dated and out of style or just plain ugly, you'll give me the heads up. i always want to be an encourager to you and to help you heal.
not to throw another lame analogy your way (haha anal-ogy) but burn victims need to experience alot of pain in order for the new skin to heal and grow. the washing and scrubbing can be mind-bendingly awful, but what is left behind is clean and new.
blessings to you as you continue to heal.